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PLEASE NOTE WE ARE AT CAPACITY  for 2025 for the following Year Levels:  Prep, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 6, and Year 7.


You are more than welcome to place an application of enrolment in via our website, and then send through the supporting documentation.  At that time your child's application will be placed on the waiting list. Please do not pay the enrolment fee of $120.00 for the year levels we are at capacity at, if we can offer you an enrolment interview, you may pay that fee on interview.  .

We are accepting enrolment applications for the following year levels in 2026:  PREP, Years 1 - 6 and Years 8 - 11. Year 7 2026 is currently at capacity, however, applications are welcome with supported documentation, please do not pay a fee for Year 7 2026 at this time.  If any vacancies arise we will be in contact to book an interivew.

APPLICATIONS ARE WELCOMED for PREP - YEAR 12 for 2027, 2028, 2029.

To ensure that your child will receive an enrolment interivew for their Year 7 year, please ensure that you have an applciation for enrolment submitted by the end of Term 1 in the year that your child is in Year 5.   We interview Year 5 students for Year 7 in April of their year 5 year.

Please note that applications are filling fast for Prep 2026, with interviews being held in April 2025. 

As we are a Prep - Year 12 campus, our Year 6 cohort autotmatically go through to year 7 without having to go through the interview process.  Once your child is accepted to the College, their acceptance is through to Year 12.  Due to this,  the College only has to accept to 35-40 students for Year 7.


St Eugene Catholic College
St Eugene College is a P - 12 College where our vision for everyone who joins the St Eugene College community is that they;

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138 Station Road
PO Box 598 Burpengary Q 4505
Brisbane North
3491 4600
PO Box 598
Burpengary Q 4505

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Dare to grow in faith, hope and love

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Louise Olley
  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
  • Vocational School
  • P-12 Campus
  • Junior School
  • Middle School
  • Senior School
  • Catholic
Prep to Year 12
Please see website for current school fees
P-12 1550
Gifted & Talented Program
  • Academic Achievement
  • Business & Legal Studies
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Community
  • Creative Arts
  • Culture / Tradition
  • Digital Technologies
  • Discipline
  • Early Learning Fundamentals
  • Economics
  • Educational Support
  • Employment Pathways
  • Faith / Religion
  • Food Technology
  • Gifted and Talented
  • Information Technology
  • Languages
  • Media & Film Studies
  • Music
  • Numeracy / Literacy
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Performing Arts
  • Personal Values
  • Resources / Facilites
  • Robotics
  • Science/Technology
  • Social & Emotional Learning
  • Special Needs
  • Sport
  • Tertiary Pathways
  • Visual Art
  • Welfare
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Basketball
  • Netball
  • Rugby League
  • Swimming

St Eugene de Mazenod Catholic Primary School was opened in 1990 by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate Priests. Nestled in an idyllic bushland setting, the College is taking enrolments for Prep to Year 12 in 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029, with Prep Year and Year 7 being the focus. Year 7 2025 is now at capacity, enrolments are still welcome, hoever, they will be placed on a waitlist for an enrolment interview.  If students are baptised Catholic, copies of Baptism Certificates must be sent as baptisd Catholic children will be offered an inteview or moved up the waiting list.

The College is master planned for a total enrolment of 1,500 and have reached this with four drafts primary and five-six drafts secondary, denoted in Phase of Learning mini communities of Prep to 6, Yrs 7 to 9 and Yrs 10 to 12. Since the inception of the school, St Eugene’s has offered quality, inclusive Catholic education based on strong Catholic beliefs and the Oblate charism. This is enriched by a caring environment which fosters a strong sense of community, and allows each student to reach his/her full potential. The College strives to assist students to reach their potential through various pathways offering an innovative curriculum enriched through the use of state of the art technology, facilities and grounds.

Secondary students in Years 7-12 use mini laptops and tablets in modern spacious classrooms which have been purpose built for their educational and physical excellence. Prep to Year 2 classrooms are equipped with laptops, iPads and students from year 3 - 6 are equipped with their own laptop. Students in Year 6 also have their own lockers. All classrooms from Prep to Yr 12 are equipped with interactive TV's. The Science, Food Technology and Industrial Technology departments offer students ultra-modern facilities. Our Student Support Services assist children with learning needs and also children requiring extension.
The school encourages flexible learning in classrooms, and as such classrooms are designed with that in mind and equipment to assist. Seating arrangements in classrooms are in learning areas with different seating and table options. It certainly does not look like a normal classroom for Years 1 - 6.
Facilities include hospitality kitchen with attached restaurant for senior students, a multi-purpose-built hall which is well used for college assemblies, College Mass, Sport, Musical, and a large and modern library/resource centre which hosts an internet cafe. We are able to offer our students University or VET Pathways program and both pathways are extremely popular and successful.
Our Master Building Plan has seen Prep - Year 4 classrooms renovated and air-conditioning installed. Airconditioning from Years 5 - 12 is being installed and will be completed by end of 2024.

We offer many extra curricular activities;  Junior and Senior Choir, Stage and Concert bands, Instrumental Music Lessons of all genre, competitive sports both inter and intra school.  Basketball Academy.  Rugby League Academy. Netball Academy. Students in Year 7- 12 are in the SECA  Associiation (South East Catholic Association) involving inter-school sport with other Catholic Colleges in our surrounding areas on Tuesdays each week.  Students will chose and try out for their sport, training occurs each Tuesday with a competive game that happens every 3rd week. A school musical is held every second year for middle school/senior years.  Some junior years school students are also invited to audition depending on the musical.  Each year our Year 12 students excitedly prepare for their Year 12 Formal which occurs in June.


College based pastoral care is the total climate of care which exists in a school. It is our aim that this should reflect the broad Christianity of individuals caring for and respecting one another. It should include a structure where teachers and other professionals are responsible for the emotional and spiritual well-being of individual children and where strong relationships are established between teachers and the students and their families.

Furthermore, the caring philosophy will be reflected through all major sections of the college, such as counselling, behaviour support and the curriculum. St Eugene College is committed to ensuring our students’ sense of belonging. A child’s sense of belonging is essential in order to reach their full potential academically, intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally and in faith development. Within the Pastoral Care program, this educative process is enhanced through a variety of programs throughout each year.

In the Middle School, this program is designed to cater for the needs of the students at this developmental phase of their lives. As young adolescents, your child will be undergoing many changes both physically and emotionally. It is our desire to ensure that both boys and girls are catered for with information that is both age appropriate and in line with the Christian values we espouse as a College. Students will undergo information sessions throughout the year on the following topics: • Relationship Building and Right Relationships • Coping with change and stress • Values education • Leadership skills • Student Protection and Personal Safety • Career Transition education.

Students from Year 7 - 12  are organised into Vertical Pastoral Care Classes.  Vertical means that within each PC group there are approximately 23 students ranging from Years 7 - 12.  This promotes a way for older students to mentor and buddy the younger students and the students, along with their PC teacher, stay in this group until they graduate.   Siblings are usually within the same PC Class. Within these Pastoral Care groups, each morning students meet with their Pastoral Care teacher for 20 minutes where they come together to pray, mark the roll, listen to announcements about their schedule for the day, celebrate birthdays and discuss current events of interest. Students also meet for one period a week either for a year level assembly or in their pastoral care group to learn information about the topics listed above.

The Pastoral Care teacher gets to know these students well after a period of time, due to the nature of these daily sessions. The students within these pastoral care groups can easily identify with their fellow pastoral care group members and their pastoral care teacher in this pastoral setting. Issues of concern about your child should be first addressed with the pastoral care teacher if your concerns are of a pastoral nature. If further intervention is required, the pastoral care teacher will be able to access additional support for you and your child.

PC groups are also designed around out HOUSES - Carroll (GOLD), Dunlea (BLUE), Mitchell (RED) and Ryan (GREEN).  We are very House proud, and do like to do activities within the houses to promote house spirit, and our PC groups assist this greatly.

Our College Motto is “Dare To Grow In Faith, Hope and Love and to Come Learn, Come Be, Come Share, who you are in the eyes of God." Children are challenged to be the best they can be in every educational, social, emotional and spiritual sphere.
Our call at St Eugene College is to be a Catholic learning community enhanced by the Oblate tradition and spirituality.
To achieve this we aim to:

• Reflect Gospel values in communion with others.

• Encourage a safe environment, which nurtures friendship, collaboration and responsibility.

• Nurture the uniqueness and dignity of each person – spiritually, intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally and morally.

• Create an environment which stimulates, encourages and challenges each student to reach their full potential as life long learners.

• Provide a curriculum suited to the needs, abilities and interests of students.

Our students can immerse themsevels in culture, the arts, maths and science competitions and also if selected, can do University courses here at the College.

We also offer a Learning Support program for children who need this.  We have dedicated teachers across the year levels to cater for these students.

Literacy and Numeracy is important to us and our students and as such we have 3 teachers specifically assigned to helping teachers and students with all aspects of literacy and numeracy. These teachers plan and attend professional development on a regular basis to gain the most up to date knowledge of this area, which they then can share with staff and students.


You are welcome to attend a College Tour with Jo Morris on the 2nd MONDAY of the Month of the School Year from 9am to 1:00pm.  By appointment only @ 3491 4641 or 

Tour times:   Year 6 - Year 12 - 9:00am, Year3 - Year 5 10:00am and Prep - Year 2 - 12:00pm.  As we are a P - 12 College, the tours are designed around the specific phases of learning areas.

If you are looking at the early years for example, we will stop and you will be shown the Middle/Senior areas of the school with some information given.

We believe our tours are far more beneficial than an Open Day.  When you wander around our school you see our students and staff in action, engaged in their learning and in their relationships with each other.  It is very transparant, open and honest when you tour one on one with Jo.

Keep up to date with information about our college by following us on Facebook and Instagram pages.

Students travel to our college either by car, train or on bus.  The Bus Company to contact should you wish to see if a bus route is near your home is Kangaroo Buslines on 1300 287 525

NAPLAN Results are on My School Website

Senior School OP results also available above.

Please contact the College to discuss Tertiary and Vocational Pathways, or visit our website for Voc Ed courses.

Past student Asheligh - Alumni 2004

How do you believe your education at St Eugene has helped you in your life to date including, study, work, friendships, confidence, learning. St Eugene was where my love of learning blossomed and without this positive experience in the early stages of my schooling year, I may not have chosen to follow this career pathway.

What’s your fondest memory of the College? Many of my happiest memories stream back to the years I was taught by Mrs. Stewart (Mrs Stewart still teaching here today-2023!!). I was lucky enough to be taught by her in Years 3, 4 and 6.

What would you say to a family, parent or student if they were considering attending St Eugene College? St Eugene was always a very welcoming school environment and had a strong sense of community. As a primary school student, I always felt happy, safe and supported in my classroom environment.

Note:  Ashleigh is now a teacher at our college and has enrolled her little one for Prep in 2025!!

Past Student Emma - Alumni 1998

What’s your fondest memory of the College?  As sport was my passion when I was younger the one thing I always remember was the athletics carnival. The day always started with marching in our house colours to parade music and the whole routine was synchronised. I remember it was a big event for the school and it was a day when the whole St Eugene community came together to support their house colour and peers. I was lucky enough to be in Dunlea house which predominantly won the sporting events during the period I attended the school.

Other fond memories that I have of the College are going to Church in the demountable; Book Week parade; assemblies under the junior tuckshop area; the flooding of the oval; going down to the creek; the Harold Education Van and the amazing Christmas concerts. However, in one way or another all memories always relate back to the teachers that I had as a child. There are too many to name individually but each had their own unique qualities which make me remember them fondly. 

What would you say to a family, parent or student if they were considering attending St Eugene College? 

Firstly, for parents it is imperative that a strong and positive support network between teacher, student and family is established as this is the basis for any child’s education. Parents must be willing to engage with their child’s learning and support the values and beliefs of the Catholic faith. Secondly, students should “Dare to grow in faith, hope and love,” by being inclusive of others, engaging in all learning opportunities and always striving to do their best. Respecting the rights of College staff, teachers and peers and adhering to the school rules is without question when attending the College. Lastly, as a community we always celebrate and value the uniqueness and giftedness of individuals and work collaboratively to help children to achieve their own personal goals. It here at St Eugene College that your child will have the foundations and opportunities to grow both academically, socially and emotionally. 

Note:   Emma has now been a teacher at our College for the past 13 years and now a mother her little girl will attend Prep in 2025.  Our greatest achievement is when past students send their children back here to be educated.  Something in their hearts will always draw them back.

Past Student Nathan - Alumni 2003

How do you believe your education at St Eugene has helped you in your life to date including, study, work, friendships, confidence, learning etc?   When I started at St Eugene it was such a small little country school.I made friends there in pre-school who are still my friends today. Escpecially Matt who was recently my Best Man at my wedding. I think that St Eugene provided a fair, disciplined and nurturing school environment andI have so many fantastic memories from school. I think these qualities have helped form the morals and principles I implement in my business dealings and day-to-day life.   

What would you like others to know about your experience? That my primary school life was safe, happy, understanding and caring.  Even though the school has grown in size and population,  I believe it still have its ‘small school’ fundamentals at heart. 

Note:  Nathan is a successful buisnessman in the local area with a thriving Air Conditioning Business, he also has a child at the College and another little one attending in 2024!

Past Student - Stephanie - Alumni 2013 (Stephanie is one of our foundation students when the little primary school became a P - 12 College!) 

Did you hold any leadership positions at the College ie. College captain, sports captain, arts or music leader etc? I was honoured to be the Vice Captain at St Eugene's in 2013

Were you in the band, debating, sports or other extra-curricular activities at the College?  I was lucky enough to be involved in many extra curricular activities such as; Vocal Group, Rosies, Dance Troupe, Mentor for Junior Dance Troupe, Netball QCCup.

What’s your fondest memory of the College?

My fondest memory of St Eugene College would undoubtedly be the great relationships I had with my teachers and the College Musicals. Never will I forget the memories I made and the confidence it gave me to take this passion forward. 

What would you need them to understand about St Eugene College and the opportunities it has provided for you?

St Eugene College provided me with endless opportunities. They fundraised for a group of us to go to Melbourne on a camp where we participated in vocal and circus training, along with dance workshops at Jason Coleman’s Ministry of Dance. I was also fortunate enough to attend workshops at Harvest Rain Theatre Company, courtesy of the College, and have Jason Coleman come down to do an intensive day full of dance workshops/routines . My performing arts teachers helped put together audition tapes and footage for me in applying for programs after graduating year. They were just incredible – I simply cannot thank them enough. 

Past Student - Drew - Alumni 2013 (Drew is also a foundation student when teh school became a P- 12 College)

Drew was College Captain in 2013.

Were you in the band, debating, sports or other extra-curricular activities at the College? As a student, and the captain of the college I was heavily involved in extra curricular activities, such as the Constitutional Convention forum, Vinnie's sleep out, boys focus group, interschool and district sports as well as Rosie's.

What’s your fondest memory of the College?

The warm and friendly atmosphere that welcomed me everyday when I arrived at school. This was benefited by strong student/teacher relationships as well as a close knit senior cohort.

Do you stay in touch with other St Eugene students / families?  If yes, how important has this aspect of your life been?

I stay in touch with some of my best friends from school, as well as past teachers and principals. My friends are very important to me. I have such a busy life and often the are the only ones to keep me sane! That being said, none of my senior peers are strangers to me. My door is always open should we bump into each other.

What would you say to a family, parent or student if they were considering attending St Eugene College? 

St Eugene provides an education that is inclusive. Not exclusive. They are able to take each students abilities and turn them into success. It doesn't matter if you have a keen eye for science or woodwork. St Eugene recognises and develops the individual abilities of each student.

Past Student - Mark - Alumni 1996 (Mark was a foundation student of Blessed Eugene de Mazenod)

How do you think  extra-curricular activities have helped you in approaching your studies and your life after St Eugene College?

The extra-curricular activities gave me an outlet to participate in a team environment once a week; it also gave me the opportunity to try other sports that I hadn’t participated in outside of school (I played baseball for a local team). Although the school was small and had a very close sense of community among the students the chance to play sports together against other schools introduced us to school pride and helped us to bond with other students who we necessarily didn’t normally associate with in class. This was a foundation for all personal and business relationships I have had since as often through life you meet and participate with a different network of people some you get along with and some you don’t however having a common goal such as winning a match or completing a project brings you together to work as a team to be successful.

How do you believe your education at St Eugene has helped you in your life to date including, study, work, friendships, confidence, learning etc.?

Being a past student of St. Eugene has set a foundation for my life, it instilled a sense of belonging and pride in belonging to a community. This has formed the basis of my friendships and confidence throughout the years to help shape the person that I am today. 

What’s your fondest memory of the College?

Being a foundation student starting yr1 when the school first opened I have many memories of the school actually being built around us as we progressed through, arriving for yr. 1 with no concrete paths and mud everywhere with only 1 block of classrooms (current 1-3 block) and an administration building (current afterschool care building).

Our principal was Mrs Mitchell (1st at the school) a very firm but loving woman she was a fantastic principal who had a vision for the school and setup the foundation of what it has become today. Every afternoon she would farewell the students and ensured we all enjoyed our time at St Eugene being able to study in a safe and secure community environment being free to develop our own individual personalities and being supported by the teachers and staff.

What would you say to a family, parent or student if they were considering attending St Eugene College? 

I would say that if they are considering it, to go down and speak to the staff and view the school campus, it will take them only a few minutes to decide that this is the best place for their children to complete their education. I have now sent my own daughters to St. Eugene's and had I not had such a fulfilling experience myself and although I had been away from the community for almost 20yrs since enrolling my children I have been welcomed back as though I had never left.

The students are always happy and polite often when I see them in the community they are always polite and courteous and dressed neatly in their uniforms showing a pride in being part of the college community, something you don’t see form other local schools.

Note:  Mark has 2 children at the College and is now a Councillor for the local regional council, who supports the College in his role.



Past student Asheligh - Alumni 2004

How do you believe your education at St Eugene has helped you in your life to date including, study, work, friendships, confidence, learning. St Eugene was where my love of learning blossomed and without this positive experience in the early stages of my schooling year, I may not have chosen to follow this career pathway.

What’s your fondest memory of the College? Many of my happiest memories stream back to the years I was taught by Mrs. Stewart (Mrs Stewart still teaching here today-2023!!). I was lucky enough to be taught by her in Years 3, 4 and 6.

What would you say to a family, parent or student if they were considering attending St Eugene College? St Eugene was always a very welcoming school environment and had a strong sense of community. As a primary school student, I always felt happy, safe and supported in my classroom environment.

Note:  Ashleigh is now a teacher at our college and has enrolled her little one for Prep in 2025!!

Past Student Emma - Alumni 1998

What’s your fondest memory of the College?  As sport was my passion when I was younger the one thing I always remember was the athletics carnival. The day always started with marching in our house colours to parade music and the whole routine was synchronised. I remember it was a big event for the school and it was a day when the whole St Eugene community came together to support their house colour and peers. I was lucky enough to be in Dunlea house which predominantly won the sporting events during the period I attended the school.

Other fond memories that I have of the College are going to Church in the demountable; Book Week parade; assemblies under the junior tuckshop area; the flooding of the oval; going down to the creek; the Harold Education Van and the amazing Christmas concerts. However, in one way or another all memories always relate back to the teachers that I had as a child. There are too many to name individually but each had their own unique qualities which make me remember them fondly. 

What would you say to a family, parent or student if they were considering attending St Eugene College? 

Firstly, for parents it is imperative that a strong and positive support network between teacher, student and family is established as this is the basis for any child’s education. Parents must be willing to engage with their child’s learning and support the values and beliefs of the Catholic faith. Secondly, students should “Dare to grow in faith, hope and love,” by being inclusive of others, engaging in all learning opportunities and always striving to do their best. Respecting the rights of College staff, teachers and peers and adhering to the school rules is without question when attending the College. Lastly, as a community we always celebrate and value the uniqueness and giftedness of individuals and work collaboratively to help children to achieve their own personal goals. It here at St Eugene College that your child will have the foundations and opportunities to grow both academically, socially and emotionally. 

Note:   Emma has now been a teacher at our College for the past 13 years and now a mother her little girl will attend Prep in 2025.  Our greatest achievement is when past students send their children back here to be educated.  Something in their hearts will always draw them back.

Past Student Nathan - Alumni 2003

How do you believe your education at St Eugene has helped you in your life to date including, study, work, friendships, confidence, learning etc?   When I started at St Eugene it was such a small little country school.I made friends there in pre-school who are still my friends today. Escpecially Matt who was recently my Best Man at my wedding. I think that St Eugene provided a fair, disciplined and nurturing school environment andI have so many fantastic memories from school. I think these qualities have helped form the morals and principles I implement in my business dealings and day-to-day life.   

What would you like others to know about your experience? That my primary school life was safe, happy, understanding and caring.  Even though the school has grown in size and population,  I believe it still have its ‘small school’ fundamentals at heart. 

Note:  Nathan is a successful buisnessman in the local area with a thriving Air Conditioning Business, he also has a child at the College and another little one attending in 2024!

Past Student - Stephanie - Alumni 2013 (Stephanie is one of our foundation students when the little primary school became a P - 12 College!) 

Did you hold any leadership positions at the College ie. College captain, sports captain, arts or music leader etc? I was honoured to be the Vice Captain at St Eugene's in 2013

Were you in the band, debating, sports or other extra-curricular activities at the College?  I was lucky enough to be involved in many extra curricular activities such as; Vocal Group, Rosies, Dance Troupe, Mentor for Junior Dance Troupe, Netball QCCup.

What’s your fondest memory of the College?

My fondest memory of St Eugene College would undoubtedly be the great relationships I had with my teachers and the College Musicals. Never will I forget the memories I made and the confidence it gave me to take this passion forward. 

What would you need them to understand about St Eugene College and the opportunities it has provided for you?

St Eugene College provided me with endless opportunities. They fundraised for a group of us to go to Melbourne on a camp where we participated in vocal and circus training, along with dance workshops at Jason Coleman’s Ministry of Dance. I was also fortunate enough to attend workshops at Harvest Rain Theatre Company, courtesy of the College, and have Jason Coleman come down to do an intensive day full of dance workshops/routines . My performing arts teachers helped put together audition tapes and footage for me in applying for programs after graduating year. They were just incredible – I simply cannot thank them enough. 

Past Student - Drew - Alumni 2013 (Drew is also a foundation student when teh school became a P- 12 College)

Drew was College Captain in 2013.

Were you in the band, debating, sports or other extra-curricular activities at the College? As a student, and the captain of the college I was heavily involved in extra curricular activities, such as the Constitutional Convention forum, Vinnie's sleep out, boys focus group, interschool and district sports as well as Rosie's.

What’s your fondest memory of the College?

The warm and friendly atmosphere that welcomed me everyday when I arrived at school. This was benefited by strong student/teacher relationships as well as a close knit senior cohort.

Do you stay in touch with other St Eugene students / families?  If yes, how important has this aspect of your life been?

I stay in touch with some of my best friends from school, as well as past teachers and principals. My friends are very important to me. I have such a busy life and often the are the only ones to keep me sane! That being said, none of my senior peers are strangers to me. My door is always open should we bump into each other.

What would you say to a family, parent or student if they were considering attending St Eugene College? 

St Eugene provides an education that is inclusive. Not exclusive. They are able to take each students abilities and turn them into success. It doesn't matter if you have a keen eye for science or woodwork. St Eugene recognises and develops the individual abilities of each student.

Past Student - Mark - Alumni 1996 (Mark was a foundation student of Blessed Eugene de Mazenod)

How do you think  extra-curricular activities have helped you in approaching your studies and your life after St Eugene College?

The extra-curricular activities gave me an outlet to participate in a team environment once a week; it also gave me the opportunity to try other sports that I hadn’t participated in outside of school (I played baseball for a local team). Although the school was small and had a very close sense of community among the students the chance to play sports together against other schools introduced us to school pride and helped us to bond with other students who we necessarily didn’t normally associate with in class. This was a foundation for all personal and business relationships I have had since as often through life you meet and participate with a different network of people some you get along with and some you don’t however having a common goal such as winning a match or completing a project brings you together to work as a team to be successful.

How do you believe your education at St Eugene has helped you in your life to date including, study, work, friendships, confidence, learning etc.?

Being a past student of St. Eugene has set a foundation for my life, it instilled a sense of belonging and pride in belonging to a community. This has formed the basis of my friendships and confidence throughout the years to help shape the person that I am today. 

What’s your fondest memory of the College?

Being a foundation student starting yr1 when the school first opened I have many memories of the school actually being built around us as we progressed through, arriving for yr. 1 with no concrete paths and mud everywhere with only 1 block of classrooms (current 1-3 block) and an administration building (current afterschool care building).

Our principal was Mrs Mitchell (1st at the school) a very firm but loving woman she was a fantastic principal who had a vision for the school and setup the foundation of what it has become today. Every afternoon she would farewell the students and ensured we all enjoyed our time at St Eugene being able to study in a safe and secure community environment being free to develop our own individual personalities and being supported by the teachers and staff.

What would you say to a family, parent or student if they were considering attending St Eugene College? 

I would say that if they are considering it, to go down and speak to the staff and view the school campus, it will take them only a few minutes to decide that this is the best place for their children to complete their education. I have now sent my own daughters to St. Eugene's and had I not had such a fulfilling experience myself and although I had been away from the community for almost 20yrs since enrolling my children I have been welcomed back as though I had never left.

The students are always happy and polite often when I see them in the community they are always polite and courteous and dressed neatly in their uniforms showing a pride in being part of the college community, something you don’t see form other local schools.

Note:  Mark has 2 children at the College and is now a Councillor for the local regional council, who supports the College in his role.

If you are interested in employment opportunities at our school please visit the following page:

We understand the importance of personalisation and flexibility when working with families.  We work with students each step of the way, through their educational journey at St Eugene's, we advise on all aspects of education and wellbeing to ensure success now and into the future.

At St Eugene College every students belongs.  They belong to their House, their class, their phase and most importantly, their whole Prep - 12 family.  Our teachers specialise in and have a deep understanding of the learning and pastoral care of young adolescents.  We value-add to learning because of the authentic continuity of curriculum that can be achieved in a Prep - 12 setting - a benefit to both our existing students and for those joining us.  We have a genuine understanding of where they have been and where they are headed.

 Our students Enter to Learn and Leave to Serve!

Louise Olley


2026 Enrolments for Prep ae filling fast,  You don't want to miss the opportunity of being granted an enrolmnet interview.  Families who have applications in for PREP 2025 will be invited for interview in April 2025.

Note:  We are currently accepting enrolments via our website for 2026, 2027,2028 and 2029.

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