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Queensland Private Schools

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This list contains 506 results
A.B. Paterson College
A.B. Paterson College Qld
Town or Suburb ARUNDEL
Religion Non-Denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Pre-Prep - 12
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Student Enrolments 1600
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All Hallows' School Brisbane
All Hallows' School Brisbane
Town or Suburb Brisbane
Religion Catholic
Main Gender GirlsGirls
Year Levels Years 5 to 12
Student Enrolments 1700
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Anglican Church Grammar School (Churchie), Brisbane QLD
Anglican Church Grammar School (Churchie), Brisbane QLD
Town or Suburb Brisbane
Religion Anglican
Main Gender BoysBoys
Year Levels Reception - Yr12
BoardingBoarding Available
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Annandale Christian College, Annandale
Annandale Christian College, Townsville Qld
Town or Suburb ANNANDALE
Religion Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Kindergarten - Year 12
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Student Enrolments 700 (approx)
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Bayside Christian College
Bayside Christian College
Town or Suburb Urraween
Religion Non-Denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Kindy and P–12
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
Student Enrolments 400-500
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Brigidine College, Indooroopilly
Brigidine College, Indooroopilly Qld
Religion Catholic
Main Gender GirlsGirls
Year Levels Years 5-12
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
Student Enrolments Approx. 850
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Brisbane Adventist College
Brisbane Adventist College Mansfield QLD
Town or Suburb MANSFIELD
Religion Seventh-day Adventist
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Early Learning to Year 12
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
Student Enrolments 600
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Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Brisbane QLD
Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Brisbane QLD
Town or Suburb Brisbane
Religion Non Denominational
Main Gender GirlsGirls
Year Levels Year 7 - Year 12
Student Enrolments 1530
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Brisbane Grammar School
Brisbane Grammar School Qld
Town or Suburb Brisbane
Religion Non-Denominational
Main Gender BoysBoys
Year Levels Year 5 to Year 12
Student Enrolments 1800
BoardingBoarding Available
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Canterbury College Waterford Qld
Town or Suburb WATERFORD
Religion Anglican
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Kindy - Year 12
Student Enrolments 1,571
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Carmichael College
Town or Suburb Morayfield
Religion Christian Schools Australia (CSA)
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Prep - Year 11 (Year 12 by 2025)
Student Enrolments 700+
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Catholic Education Cairns - Cairns QLD
Catholic Education Cairns - Cairns QLD
Town or Suburb Cairns
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels P-12
BoardingBoarding Available
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Clairvaux MacKillop College, Upper Mt Gravatt QLD
Clairvaux MacKillop College, Upper Mt Gravatt QLD
Town or Suburb Upper Mt Gravatt
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Year 7 - 12
Student Enrolments 1350
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Concordia Lutheran College Toowoomba
Town or Suburb TOOWOOMBA
Religion Lutheran - all denominations welcome
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Hume Street Campus K-6
Warwick Street Campus K-6
Stephen Street Campus Yrs 7-12
Boarding available Yrs 7-12
Student Enrolments 650
BoardingBoarding Available
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Darling Downs Adventist College, Toowoomba QLD
Darling Downs Adventist College, Toowoomba QLD
Town or Suburb Toowoomba
Religion Seventh-day Adventist
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Kindy - Year 12
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Town or Suburb CARRARA
Religion Christian Multi-Denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Prep to Year 12
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
Student Enrolments 1600
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Emmaus College, Jimboomba QLD
Emmaus College, Jimboomba QLD
Town or Suburb Jimboomba
Religion "Ecumenical College" in partnership with the Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and Uniting Churches
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Prep - Year 12
Student Enrolments 1,560
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Faith Lutheran College, Plainland QLD
Faith Lutheran College, Plainland QLD
Town or Suburb Plainland
Religion Lutheran
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Years 7 - 12
Student Enrolments 800
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Freshwater Christian College
Freshwater Christian College
Town or Suburb Brinsmead
Religion Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Kindergarten to Grade 12
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Student Enrolments 580
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Genesis Christian College, Bray Park
Genesis Christian College, Bray Park
Town or Suburb BRAY PARK
Religion Christian Non-denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels P - 12 & Early Learning Centre
Student Enrolments 1500
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