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Sydney Private Schools

Information on private schools in Sydney, NSW Australia. This complete Sydney list contains all private and independent primary schools and secondary schools in Sydney.

The term 'private school' refers to any primary or secondary school that is not administered by the State government. Private schools charge each student a fee to attend and include Catholic schools, Independent schools, Christian schools, non-denominational (no religious affiliation) and other religion-operated schools. Most of the top Sydney schools are private schools. The best Sydney schools are also some of the best schools in Australia.

How many Private Schools are there in Sydney?
There are around 520 private schools in Sydney. Over 300 are Catholic schools and around 35 are Anglican schools. Of the remaining schools, many are Christian schools but at least 57 are non-denominational schools. 72 Sydney schools accept international students (CRICOS registered). 28 schools in Sydney are boarding schools which makes Sydney a popular choice for regional parents looking to send their child to a boarding school. Sydney also has over 60 schools for boys-only and over 50 schools for girls. The remaining Sydney schools are co-educational.

Schools are listed below in order of most-recently updated.


This list contains 517 results
School Profile
St Vincent's College, Potts Point
St Vincents College Potts Point NSW
St Vincent’s College is a dynamic learning community which cherishes its Catholic heritage. The College fosters creativity, discernment and leadership in the development of students to be courageous women of action.
Town or Suburb Potts Point
Religion Catholic
Main Gender GirlsGirls
School Type
  • Secondary School
Year Levels Year 7 - 12
Student Enrolments 750
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
BoardingBoarding Available
Crest/ Logo
Newington College
Newington College - Stanmore NSW
Newington is a comprehensive, K-12, day and boarding College located in Stanmore, NSW.
Town or Suburb Stanmore
Religion Uniting Church
Main Gender Boys, girls, co-ed Boys/Girls/Co-ed
School Type
  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
Year Levels ELC - Year 12

 An International Baccalaureate World School

Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
BoardingBoarding Available
Crest/ Logo
Currambena Primary School and Preschool
Currambena School, Lane Cove NSW
Empowering young minds through progressive education and democratic principles, Currambena fosters confident, compassionate learners ready to thrive in a dynamic world.
Town or Suburb Lane Cove
Religion Non Denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
School Type
  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
Year Levels Preschool to Year 6
Crest/ Logo
Trinity Grammar School, Sydney
Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill and Strathfield NSW
An independent, non-selective, Anglican school for boys from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12.
Town or Suburb Summer Hill
Religion Anglican
Main Gender BoysBoys
School Type
  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
Year Levels Pre Kindergarten to Year 12
Student Enrolments 2,150

 An International Baccalaureate World School

Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
Crest/ Logo
SHORE, North Sydney NSW
Shore’s philosophy is to help heads, hearts and souls flourish. Intelligence, courage and empathy are the bedrock of the character we strive to help build through our holistic education, preparing boys for the path they choose to follow in life.
Town or Suburb North Sydney
Religion Anglican
Main Gender BoysBoys
School Type
  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
Year Levels Early Learning - Year 12
Student Enrolments 1800
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
BoardingBoarding Available
Crest/ Logo
The Scots College, Bellevue Hill
The Scots College, Bellevue Hill NSW
The Scots College is committed to a culture of high expectations. As one of the top private boys' schools in Sydney, we acknowledge the importance of student engagement, of challenge and active learning opportunities.
Town or Suburb Bellevue Hill
Religion Presbyterian
Main Gender BoysBoys
School Type
  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
Year Levels Early Years (age 3 and 4) to Year 12
BoardingBoarding Available
Crest/ Logo
Regents Park Christian School
Regents Park Christian School
Regents Park Christian School is a warm and inviting co-educational community where your child will be welcomed and nurtured from Kindergarten through to Year 12. We invite you to tour our campus to discover our facilities, programs and culture.
Town or Suburb Regents Park
Religion Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
School Type
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
Year Levels Kindergarten to Year 12
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
Crest/ Logo
Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School, Middle Cove
Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School, Middle Cove NSW
Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School (Preschool-12) offers an academically challenging, emotionally fulfilling, and culturally enriching learning environment where teachers educate to the highest standard and support students on their journey to a successful future.
Town or Suburb Middle Cove
Religion Non-denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
School Type
  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
Year Levels Preschool -Year 12
Student Enrolments 500
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
Crest/ Logo
Mater Maria Catholic College – Warriewood
Mater Maria Catholic College – Warriewood
Mater Maria Catholic College is a vibrant, nurturing community for Years 7 to 12, located in the tranquil bush setting of Warriewood Valley. We provide opportunities for creative problem-solving, critical thinking and a love of lifelong learning.
Town or Suburb Warriewood
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
School Type
  • Secondary School
Year Levels Year 7 - Year 12
Crest/ Logo
St Joseph's College Hunters Hill
St Joseph's College Hunters Hill NSW
St Joseph's College is a day and boarding school for boys Years 7 to 12; a Catholic school in the Marist tradition.
Town or Suburb Hunters Hill
Religion Catholic
Main Gender BoysBoys
School Type
  • Secondary School
Year Levels Years 7 to 12
Student Enrolments 1074
BoardingBoarding Available
Crest/ Logo
Maria Regina Catholic Primary School, Avalon NSW
Maria Regina Catholic Primary School - Avalon NSW
Maria Regina Catholic Primary School is a single stream K to 6 co-educational school, located in the Broken Bay Diocese on Sydney’s northern Peninsula at Avalon Beach.
Town or Suburb Avalon
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
School Type
  • Primary School
Year Levels K-6
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Crest/ Logo
Tara Anglican School For Girls
Tara Anglican School For Girls, North Parramatta
Tara Anglican School for Girls is a Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 day and boarding school situated in North Parramatta. Tara is an International Baccalaureate World School offering the Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme and the HSC.
Town or Suburb North Parramatta
Religion Anglican
Main Gender GirlsGirls
School Type
  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
Year Levels Pre Kindergarten - Year 12
Student Enrolments 900

 An International Baccalaureate World School

Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
BoardingBoarding Available
Crest/ Logo
Meriden School, Strathfield
Meriden School, Strathfield NSW
A non-selective, independent school for girls from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12.
Town or Suburb Strathfield
Religion Anglican
Main Gender GirlsGirls
School Type
  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
Year Levels Pre - Kindergarten - Year 12
Student Enrolments 1,750
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Crest/ Logo
St Edmund's College
St Edmund's College - Wahroonga NSW
A Year 7-12 co-educational special high school for teenagers with a wide range of disabilities including students with mild to moderate intellectual disability, Autism and other sensory impairments.
Town or Suburb Wahroonga
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Year 7 - Year 12 Special School
Student Enrolments 120
Crest/ Logo
St Pius X College, Chatswood
St Pius X College, Chatswood NSW
A leading Catholic Boys' College in the Edmund Rice tradition (Years 5-12) offering a truly balanced and challenging academic, spiritual, extra and co-curricular program. The College is consistently ranked as a leading boys' school in NSW.
Town or Suburb Chatswood
Religion Catholic
Main Gender BoysBoys
School Type
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
Year Levels Year 5 - Year 12
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
Crest/ Logo
Brigidine College St Ives
Brigidine College - St Ives NSW
Brigidine girls are challenged to think and experience beyond their boundaries, with excellent academic results, a high level of achievement in the performing arts and sport and a strong commitment to service.
Town or Suburb St Ives
Religion Catholic
Main Gender GirlsGirls
School Type
  • Secondary School
Year Levels Year 7 - Year 12
Crest/ Logo
Sydney Catholic Schools
Sydney Catholic Schools
Town or Suburb Sydney
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Boys, girls, co-ed Boys/Girls/Co-ed
School Type
  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
  • Dedicated Special Needs
Year Levels Kindergarten - Year 12
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School - Forestville NSW
Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School - Forestville NSW
Our school motto ‘Let Your Light Shine’ is the inspiration for each child to achieve at their highest level in the context of an engaging and challenging curriculum.
Town or Suburb Forestville
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
School Type
  • Primary School
Year Levels K-6
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
Crest/ Logo
St Thomas' Catholic Primary School - Willoughby NSW
St Thomas' Catholic Primary School - Willoughby NSW
St Thomas Catholic Primary School is a co-educational school for students from Kindergarten to Year Six.
At St Thomas we design contemporary learning, based on the current syllabus documents and best practice pedagogy, integrating a Catholic vision for life.
Town or Suburb Willoughby
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
School Type
  • Primary School
Year Levels K-6
Crest/ Logo
Barker College
Barker College - Hornsby NSW
Barker is a fully coeducational Anglican school for Pre-K to Year 12 students located on the upper North Shore of Sydney. Boarding for Years 10 - 12.
Town or Suburb Hornsby
Religion Anglican
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
School Type
  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
Year Levels Pre-Kindergarten – Year 12 Coed
Student Enrolments 2800
BoardingBoarding Available
Crest/ Logo

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