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Currambena School, Lane Cove NSW

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Currambena Primary School and Preschool
Empowering young minds through progressive education and democratic principles, Currambena fosters confident, compassionate learners ready to thrive in a dynamic world.
205 Longueville Road
Lane Cove
Sydney North
02 9427 0644
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Currambena Information Morning
Wed May 14 @10:00AM - 11:00AM [49 Days to go]
Currambena Information Morning
Wed Jun 11 @10:00AM - 11:00AM [77 Days to go]
Currambena Information Morning
Wed Aug 06 @10:00AM - 11:00AM [133 Days to go]
Currambena Information Morning
Wed Sep 03 @10:00AM - 11:00AM [161 Days to go]
Currambena Information Morning
Wed Oct 29 @10:00AM - 11:00AM [217 Days to go]
Currambena Information Morning
Wed Nov 26 @10:00AM - 11:00AM [245 Days to go]

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  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
  • Single School Location
  • Independent
  • Non-denominational
Preschool to Year 6
Non Denominational

Empowering young minds through progressive education and democratic principles, Currambena fosters confident, compassionate learners ready to thrive in a dynamic world.

Currambena is a democratic school on Cammeraygal land on the North Shore of Sydney, that offers truly child-centred education for both preschool and primary school children. Established over 55 years ago and based on strong research foundations, we have long been recognised as a leader in innovative educational thinking. At Currambena we deliver a holistic approach to learning, with the help of a flexible curriculum which focuses on developing a child’s skills for life as well as academic results.

Since 1969, Currambena has led the way in progressive education, nurturing young minds to become confident, creative thinkers. Here, learning is a boundless adventure, where children are encouraged to explore, question, and discover at their own pace. With our small class sizes and personalised approach, Currambena cultivates a nurturing environment where each child’s unique talents and interests are celebrated, fostering a lifelong love for exploration and discovery. Every child receives the attention they need to flourish academically and emotionally. Research shows that this kind of environment stimulates a long-term love of learning as well as a holistically developed and resilient child. Through our dynamic blend of stage-based learning and democratic principles, students emerge as empowered, self-assured individuals ready to embrace the challenges of tomorrow. Join our warm, inclusive community, and embark on a journey of lifelong learning and growth.

The primary school is registered by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) and we adhere to the NESA curricula. 

To Be Inspired and find out more about Currambena’s approach to learning, see our website, email, call 9427 0644, or come to an Information Morning.

We Practice Child-Centred Education

We believe that every child has gifts and talents that can be recognised and developed at Currambena. Our curriculum – all the learning experiences of the child – develops from the view that children are adventurous in acquiring knowledge, intellectually curious, keen to find out and actively engaged in making sense of their world.

We make sure that the child is placed at the centre of his or her own education, for example:

  • Topics in the classroom are decided by the children. The class teachers then draw upon the NSW curriculum to ensure that appropriate skills in all areas are acquired.
  • Children’s progress in learning is facilitated by negotiation with the teachers; a process that reveals the options and choices available to the children.
  • Our children are placed in classes according to social and academic maturity, friendships and age. They move to the next group when they are ready. Transition between classes can take place any time in the school year.
  • Continuous individual assessment replaces formal testing.
  • Children usually work as individuals or as members of a small group. Whole class teaching is not a significant part of the teaching arrangements. In this way we believe that the different talents and needs of each child can be addressed.
  • The voices of the children are significant; their views are respected. They develop warm trusting relationships with their teachers.

We Care About Developing the Whole Child

The needs of the whole child include academic, social, emotional and physical needs.

At Currambena many kinds of play become the medium through which development of the whole child takes place. Play enables the children to feel control and competence in their world with their things around them. So for example the time children spend building cubbies, climbing trees or in the sandpit is seen as valuable to their development.

In our experience the social bonds formed in play support collaboration on academic projects. In addition individual academic challenges arise naturally in play and are often resolved by research in the classroom.

More formal academic studies based on the syllabus documents of the NSW Curriculum are implemented to suit the needs of individual children. The school places great value on balancing the academic curriculum with the needs of the whole child.

We Teach and Model Effective Communication

Children are encouraged to express their needs, stand up for themselves, take responsibility for their actions and make their own decisions through the use of conflict resolution skills. These skills are taught in preschool and throughout the school. Parents are also encouraged to use the same skills. Teachers also run conflict resolution workshops for adults in the wider community.

We Have a Strong Community

There is a strong sense of community that comes from parents, children and teachers working together on school management, classroom activities and social events. Collaboration creates a warm and caring environment where the child can feel safe and secure.

Currambena depends on parents to support and assist the school. Parents are expected to contribute a number of hours a term towards helping around the school, which could include working on a maintenance day, making new curtains, helping in the classroom or being on a subcommittee, depending on parents’ skills and interests.

All children share the playground and a buddy system also helps develop friendships and networks across all ages.

We Are Openly Governed

The school is managed by a school council consisting of a majority of parents and some teachers. Day-to-day organisational matters are discussed among teachers, especially at their weekly staff meetings. There is a school coordinator, who acts as communication link between teachers, council and parents.

Currambena children participate in running the school through weekly school and class meetings, chaired by children. They make school rules by majority vote and discuss matters of day-to-day importance ranging from rules about bringing balls to school to what equipment to include in the school playground. Debate and discussion of current issues is encouraged.

We Have Highly Motivated and Committed Teachers

A very careful selection process ensures that teachers are well qualified to teach in our unique environment. They contribute a vital balance of academic qualifications and caring sensitivity to individual needs. Only motivated and committed teachers are chosen and they are expected to participate in continual professional development. They also critically evaluate the latest trends in education according to Currambena philosophy.

Part-time specialist teachers are employed to offer the children a wider curriculum such as in craft, language and music.


The community-managed library is situated upstairs in the main building. All students have access to the library and can borrow books on an honour system. They are encouraged to help take responsibility and consider others when borrowing. Children are shown around the library and how to use it early in their first term. Most classes also visit Lane Cove Public Library regularly.

Music Room

The music room is located in the main building. It contains a variety of musical instruments and equipment used individually, in class and whole school sessions.

Craft Room

The craft room contains equipment used by students in Preschool and Primary during their regular sessions in Visual Arts. This includes a pottery wheel and kiln, woodworking materials, painting equipment and other items. A part-time Visual Arts teacher is employed by the school. Outside of scheduled times, access to the craft room is only available under the supervision of a class teacher.

Children must wear shoes in the craft room.

Staff Room

The staff room serves a number or purposes as well as providing a place specifically for the staff. It has a bed, which can be used by sick children. The first aid kit and equipment are located here. It has kitchen facilities and houses a collection of educational magazines and other material of interest to the teachers.

Primary Classrooms

There are five classrooms in total, each with a capacity for 25 children. All rooms have carpeted and wet areas, and internet access. Each class has its own digital camera with a capacity for still shots and movie clips, a wall mounted projector and Ipads.
Each room is fully equipped with all the necessary resources needed for the day-to-day learning- academic, social and physical.

Preschool Room

This is one large room divided into various areas that caters for all our preschool children from three years to five years. Currently we are licensed for 25; no more than this number of children participate in the preschool programmes on any given day.
The preschool staff have their own laptops, chromebooks and Ipads with internet access.
They have their own digital camera and wall-mounted projector.
The room is fully equipped with all the necessary resources needed for their day-to-day learning, the majority of which is done through play.
Each day, inside and out, a variety of equipment and resources are set up.


Curambena offers a diversity of play spaces on site. These include a high activity area, a half-size basketball court, and spaces that foster investigative and imaginative play.

School Garden

Students in all the classes and the Preschool have the opportunity to design, plant and maintain a garden including vegetable and herbs. Responsibility for garden plots is decided by vote at school meetings.
A nurturing however very structured schooling facility. I recommend Currambena Pre and Primary School for anyone seeking both solid yet open teaching opportunities for their children.
The school does rely on parents’ schooling participation and decision making processes, as well as student feedback.
Currambena is a democratic school, without pressures of crazy beliefs.
Brian MB



My son attended this school from preschool till the end of Wendys! We had eight incredibly happy years here. I say 'we' because having a child in this school enriched our whole family. Choosing Currambena was one of the best parenting decisions we've made so far. We loved the whole community and especially the magnificent staff.

Karen Brien

Administrative Staff

Currambena has a school coordinator and a part-time admin personnel. The coordinator and the teachers, together with the Council, are responsible for the day-to-day running of the school. There is no Principal.

Olivia McCarron, School Coordinator

My association with Currambena started in 1995 as a fresh 17-year-old, straight out of high school. That year, I started as a preschool assistant and knew that I had found something incredible. I recognised the importance of education that focused on the individual and truly respected and supported each of these humans.

Since then, I have worked as primary assistant, preschool teacher, coordinator of the after-school care program and primary teacher. My connection with Currambena changed again when my daughter started her journey in the preschool in 2020, and is now continuing her journey in the primary school. I feel so very lucky to again take on another role in the Currambena community and connect with all the staff, families and the community as a whole. I hope that my experience as teacher, parent and previous school council member will allow me to have a holistic perspective with my new role and contribute to this amazing place the best way I can.

I hold a BED (ECE) and have also had experience as a coordinator of an early learning centre in the past. On other days, I work as a group program coordinator at The Shepherd Centre. In my spare time, I enjoy going to the gym, snowboarding holidays and dragon boating. I can also be found traveling the world with my family whenever I can.

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Currambena School, Lane Cove NSW

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