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How to update my school


Updating your school's content is simple.

Follow the instructions below to update your school. Each school on this site has login details available and is currently on one of the subscription levels below.


• If your school is not listed at all see Q.7 below.


• If your school has a Free School Listing...

Simply login using your username and password. You'll find a User Menu in the right column allowing you to update your content.

- If you don't know your school's username and password see FAQ below.


• If your school has an Expanded Listing or Platinum Feature...

Simply login using your username and password. You'll find a User Menu in the right column allowing you to update your content.




1. I've never received my School's login details, how do I get them?

Simply contact us and provide your name, role at the school, email and school name. We may need to verify your identity but in most cases our staff will be able to send you the login for your school within minutes during office hours.



2. I lost my login, how do I get it resent?

Simply follow this link here to have the system resend it to the email address registered for your school.



3. I tried the 'Lost Password' link but it didn't send me anything.

That is likely because your school is registered with a different email address. The system will send messages to the email address registered in the system for your school. This site has been online for many years so it may be that the email address we have is no longer the most appropriate one or it may have a typo in it. Simply contact us (see Q1. above) and we'll reset it for you to the correct email. You will then be able to login and update your school's content.


4. There's an error in my school's details, how do I have it corrected?

The simple way is for you to login and update it yourself. Everything that appears on this site for your school is editable by you once you login. If you prefer, our staff will correct the details for you. Please contact us outlining the changes required.


5. How much does it cost to change my school's details?

Nothing. It is entirely free for every school. If there is an error or your school requires updating simply login and update your content. Or, contact us (see above).


6. I logged in and I would like to add more information but I can only see a limited number of fields available. How do I add more content?

If your school has a free listing you will only be able to edit the contact details and main school profile details. You will need to upgrade to a paid subscription to add more content. Upgraded subscriptions start from only $79 per year. You can upgrade at any time via your User Menu after you login. Or, simply contact us to order an upgrade.


7. Our school is not listed, how do we get it to appear?

Simply register here and choose either a Free School Listing or one of the paid subscription levels. Once you are registered you will be able to login and insert your school's content.


8. Our school is listed, I don't know the login, but I would like to upgrade to a paid subscription. How do I do that?

The fastest way would be to contact us via phone or email for an instant upgrade. The other option is to start by retrieving your login details. Once you are able to login you can then upgrade using your User Menu. See Q1. above to have your login details sent.


9. We would like to upgrade now but we prefer to be invoiced in the post. Is that possible?

Yes, of course. Many schools on this site prefer this method. Simply contact us by phone or email and request an upgrade. Our admin staff will upgrade you instantly and send you an invoice in due course.


10. What type of schools can register on this site?

Any private school, non-government school, university or college can register. Early Learning Centres can also register.

Your school or ELC must be based in Australia.


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How to add/edit your school

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