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Private Schools Guide - Private Schools FAQs

About Private Schools in Australia

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2005 there were 9,623 schools in Australia. 72% of these were government schools, 18% Catholic schools and 10% Independent schools. Around 29% of all primary school students are educated in non-government schools and approximately 38% of all secondary school students.

There are around 3.4 million students in schools in Australia of which around 33% attend non-government schools. Non-government schools are established by either Catholic or Independent (non-Catholic) organisations and all operate under the guidelines set by each State or Territory Minister. Education in Government Schools is provided free for all Australian students under the Australian Constitution. Non-government schools accept students based on fee schedules (usually paid by parents). These schools also receive Government funding.

Australia's Private School Education System Characteristics

Students in virtually all Australian schools are expected to wear a school uniform. Each school has a unique identity including unique school uniform and school colours. Many non-government schools provide boarding facilities for students and most offer specialised subjects and programs particularly in fields such as sports and the arts.

Many non-government schools offer education for single gender only (that is either boys-only or girls-only). However, most schools offer education for both boys and girls.

Schooling generally begins with a Preparatory year (Prep. or Kindergarten) followed by 12 years of schooling. Each State and Territory in Australia has different age levels for the start and completion of primary and secondary schooling. Many schools offer only primary school education (school Years 1 through 6) or secondary education (school Years 7 through 12). The Northern Territory and Tasmania break up school ages into a third category - Senior School - for the final two or three years of schooling.


What is CRICOS#? - Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students. The Department of Education, Science and Training designates a CRICOS code number to all schools that are accredited to accept international students.

The schooling years

Queensland Private Schools

Non-compulsory year - Prep
Primary school - Years 1 through 6
Secondary School - Years 7 through 12

Boarding is available in both Primary and Secondary levels at selected schools.

Victoria Private Schools

Primary school - Years 1 through 6
Secondary School - Years 7 through 12

Boarding is available in both Primary and Secondary levels at selected school.

NSW Private Schools

Primary school - Years 1 through 6
Secondary School - Years 7 through 12

Boarding is available in both Primary and Secondary levels at selected schools
Children must turn 5 by July 31 to start Kindergarten in that year. All children must start primary school before their 6th birthday.

South Australia Private Schools

Primary school - Years 1 through 6
Secondary School - Years 7 through 12

Children must turn 5 before they can begin Reception. All children must start primary school before their 6th birthday. Compulsory until age 16.

WA Private Schools

Non-compulsory Kindergarten
Non-compulsory Pre-primary
Primary School - Years 1 through 6
Secondary School - Years 7 through 10
Senior School - Years 11 and 12

Children must turn 4 by 30 June to start Kindergarten in that year. Children must turn 5 by 30 June to start Pre-Primary.
Compulsory until age 17.


Northern Territory Private Schools

Non-compulsory year - Pre-school
Non-compulsory year - Transition Year
Primary school - Years 1 through 6
Middle School - Years 7 through 9
Senior School - Years 10 through 12

Boarding is available in all levels at selected schools.

Tasmania Private Schools

Non-compulsory Kindergarten
Compulsory Prep
Primary School - Years 1 through 6
Secondary School - Years 7 through 10
Senior School - Years 11 and 12

Children should be at least four years of age by January 1 to start Kindergarten in that year. A child who turns five by January 1 in any year must start school that year. Compulsory until age 16.

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