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St Pius X College, Chatswood NSW

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St Pius X College, Chatswood
A leading Catholic Boys' College in the Edmund Rice tradition (Years 5-12) offering a truly balanced and challenging academic, spiritual, extra and co-curricular program. The College is consistently ranked as a leading boys' school in NSW.
35 Anderson Street
Sydney North
02 9411 4733
Other Campus Locations
St Pius X College Oxford Falls Campus
1 Dreadnought Road Oxford Falls NSW, Australia, 2100
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Mr Michael Ronchetti
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary through Secondary
  • Multiple School Locations
  • Catholic
Year 5 - Year 12
Gifted & Talented Program
  • Academic Achievement
  • Business & Legal Studies
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Community
  • Creative Arts
  • Culture / Tradition
  • Digital Technologies
  • Discipline
  • Economics
  • Educational Support
  • Faith / Religion
  • Gifted and Talented
  • Information Technology
  • Languages
  • Music
  • Numeracy / Literacy
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Performing Arts
  • Personal Values
  • Resources / Facilites
  • Robotics
  • Science/Technology
  • Social & Emotional Learning
  • Sport
  • Visual Art
  • Chinese
  • French
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Basketball
  • Chess
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country Running
  • Debating
  • Football (Soccer)
  • Rugby Union
  • Swimming
  • Tennis

The College is contemporary in its approach to teaching and learning, and has implemented a range of practices which are underpinned by research into boys’ education. The goal is to develop students into independent thinkers and collaborative workers; to be creative and curious; to have a balanced approach to life.

The College promotes the pursuit of knowledge, a love of learning and a commitment to personal excellence. The boys’ educational experience is both comprehensive and cohesive – every boy is valued and respected. With a proud history of providing a high-quality Catholic education, much is expected of the students, staff and parents.

The College is a community alive with learning and activity. Catholic values are at the very heart of St Pius X College and Religious Education is at the core of everything that transpires at the College.

The core values and beliefs of Faith, Excellence, Opportunity and Respect, as embedded in the Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones, provide the foundation for the boys’ success today.

The College provides a caring and safe environment with clear expectations regarding behaviour, whilst maintaining a variety of activities to promote self-esteem and resilience through the “Be You” and Pastoral Care programs. It ensures that academic achievement is clearly valued within the school community through a range of presentations and awards – doing well at studies and achieving personal best is encouraged and affirmed at St Pius X College.

Courtesy, cooperation, responsibility, respect, hard work, and a commitment to excellence result in positive consequences. Hence, the College has an extensive system of awards for outstanding performance and effort, in both academic and co-curricular life.

A non-selective school, the College is consistently ranked amongst the high-achieving schools in the HSC examinations. The focus is on assisting students to achieve their own personal goals and to rejoice in modest, personal-best achievements as much as outstanding academic, sporting and cultural successes.

The achievements are many at St Pius X College – the personal rewards speak for themselves as boys excel in the classroom, on the sporting field and in life.

St Pius X College strives to offer a liberating education, based on gospel spirituality, within an inclusive community committed to justice and solidarity.

As an EREA School the College is committed to:

* Ensuring students are passionate and enthusiastic about learning and have a genuine desire to make a difference
* Maintaining a vibrant, rich, diverse and inclusive learning environment where each student is unique. * Teachers strive to know their students and how they learn. They endeavour to form positive learning relations through differentiated teaching to ensure that every student is engaged in learning.
* Affording all students, the opportunity to establish, enhance and sustain skills in critical, analytical and creative thinking, especially through reflective and self-reflexive practices.
* Empowering our students to develop an understanding of how to use their creative and innovative talents for the common good; and equipped with an education that expands the mind and reaches out beyond the borders of their own worldview.
* Appropriately harnessing students’ desire to utilise technology and strive to continue to ensure that technologically enhanced learning has a significant and positive impact on student learning.
The main academic Campus is located at Chatswood and the College has extensive playing fields and educational facilities at its Oxford Falls Campus.
The College encourages students to be involved in a variety of extra curricular activities all year round. This benefits the whole SPX community, staff, students and families in that it enriches relationships and builds character, teamwork, skills, fitness, dedication and school spirit.

There is an expectation that all students are involved in a minimum of two terms of co-curricular activities and make themselves available for selection in ISA sports of tennis, football, rugby, cricket, basketball, swimming and athletics. Commitment to any sport or activity also involves full participation in training sessions, rehearsals, games, carnivals or performances.

Sport includes:
Touch Football

Da Vinci Decathlon
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Mock Trial
Performing Arts (Music and Drama)
Public Speaking
Social Justice Programs

Pastoral care is the total climate of care which exists in a school. It reflects the central Christian ethos of individuals caring for and respecting one another.

At St Pius X College there is a strong focus within the College of pastoral care in the Edmund Rice tradition. The context is one of a shared partnership with parents in the formation and education of their son(s).

St Pius X College is committed to providing an Inclusive Community, a touchstone of EREA, where every person feels welcomed, accepted, valued and equipped to achieve their personal best. Pastoral Care cultivates an environment and culture that supports the physical, social, intellectual, emotional and spiritual development of every student throughout their school learning and growth journey. St Pius X College utilises the Australian Government initiative “Be You” to provide educators with knowledge, resources and strategies for helping young people achieve their best possible mental health.  Every teacher at St Pius X is a teacher of well-being and every interaction is seen as an opportunity to enhance/build shape/ the well-being of the students and the community.

As a Catholic community we give witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ through a vibrant sacramental and prayer life.

As a Catholic learning community we are committed to excellence in the education of boys and the pursuit of the highest levels of personal attainment in all aspects of education – spiritual, intellectual, cultural, social and sporting.

We hold a deep regard for self and others through care, compassion and service to promote justice and peace, as well as the dignity and rights of all people.

We encourage and support each person to achieve and sustain aspirations and goals, whilst maintaining and promoting Catholic Social Teaching.
The Vision of the College is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ through quality Catholic education in the Edmund Rice tradition to make a positive difference in our world.
The Mission of St Pius X College is to provide Catholic education for boys in the Edmund Rice tradition for the whole person. The College community strives to promote the spiritual, intellectual, social, cultural and physical growth of each person.

Welcome to St Pius X College – a vibrant school community in the heart of Chatswood.

St Pius X College is a non-selective Catholic Boys’ school for students from Years 5 to 12 operating under the auspices of Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA).

We have been educating boys to be respectful and well-rounded young men since 1937. We understand boys and our comprehensive learning and pastoral programs are specifically tailored to support their unique educational, spiritual and emotional journeys.

St Pius X College is large enough to provide a wide range of opportunities, but small enough that we know and support every boy. We strive to live out our motto “Through Faith and Hard Work” in the way we treat each other and the way we learn.

The College nurtures the emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual strengths of each boy, through a wide range of sporting programs, performing arts and music courses as well as social justice and community service activities. These allow each student to find and develop his talents, interests and skills, while remaining grounded in the Catholic Faith.

St Pius X is committed to the vision of Blessed Edmund Rice (Founder of the Christian Brothers) who emphasised the need to help the marginalised in society. We practice our faith and strive to live it out daily in the way we treat each other and the way we learn. Social justice programs and service to the community are key elements of our life.

The College has a strong emphasis on academic achievement and constant improvement. Our pastoral care for each student is vital to ensuring the wellbeing that is essential for good learning. The extensive co-curricular program provides boys with opportunities for achievement in sport, music and an extensive range of cultural activities.

The range of academic, spiritual and cocurricular activities makes St Pius X College a dynamic, contemporary learning community with excellent teachers and high quality resources. Students are provided with learning opportunities, which are both challenging, but also supported  in a manner that suits 21st century learners.

I invite you to view our web site, which illustrates the dynamic and diverse learning environment available to our students, as well as the spirit and support that characterises the St Pius X College family.

We look forward to welcoming you to the St Pius X College community.

Michael Ronchetti – College Principal


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St Pius X College, Chatswood NSW


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