Faith Lutheran College, Plainland has received approval to expand our educational offering into the primary school years.
Faith Lutheran College, Plainland has received approval to expand our educational offering into the primary school years.
After years of diligent planning, persistent efforts and rigorous negotiations, we are delighted to announce that Faith Lutheran College, Plainland has been granted accreditation for primary education by the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board (NSSAB).
This significant milestone means that Faith will soon transform from a secondary-only institution into a full Prep to Year 12 Lutheran school!
The journey doesn't end here; there is still much work to be done as we prepare to welcome our first cohort of primary students.
The approval of our primary school marks a new chapter in the history of Faith Lutheran College, and it is a testament to our collective commitment to providing exceptional education.
As we expand to offer a comprehensive P-12 curriculum, we will continue to uphold the values and standards that make our College a beacon of inspiration and excellence.
We want to express our sincere appreciation to each member of our community for your ongoing support, prayers and understanding throughout this process.
Your support has been instrumental in bringing us to this point, and we are grateful for your continued belief in our shared vision of awakening potential and empowering learners for purposeful lives through Christ.
We will continue to update you as we move forward in the process and, once again, take this opportunity to thank you for your support in our journey here at Faith Lutheran College, Plainland.
Yours in Christ,
Doug Braiden
College Principal
Situated within the expanding semi-rural community of Plainland, Faith Lutheran College provides high quality co-educational Christian teaching and learning for students in Years 7-12.
Established in 1999, Faith Lutheran College was purpose-built to deliver high-quality secondary education to students in the Ipswich and Lockyer Valley regions.
Catering for both boys and girls, our campus footprint encompasses 70 acres of land and a range of specialised learning environments, designed to support a diverse curriculum of teaching and learning.
Aware of our place and role in our surrounding community, we endeavour to provide access to post-school pathways that meet the needs of each individual learner, including access to University entry, access to trade-based qualifications through a comprehensive Vocational Education and Training (VET) Program, and access to pathways which support direct entry into the workforce.
Faith Lutheran College is now at the forefront of exceptional educational opportunities available in the Lockyer Valley and with our fleet of College coaches; we provide a safe and reliable bus service that gives students living in the Lockyer Valley, Esk and the outskirts of Ipswich the ability to travel to the college in safety and comfort.
We invite you to experience the Faith difference. You will be pleasantly surprised how affordable it is to have your children educated in a vibrant student centred college. We look forward to welcoming you and your children to the Faith family.
Our bus network covers a broad area, spanning Western Ipswich (Brassall, Karalee, Karana Downs), the Lockyer Valley, up to Esk, and further west to townships including Gatton and Grantham.
Bus routes are revised each year to ensure that each student (including new enrolments) that needs to catch a bus to school is able to access a bus service. Find up to date route information by visiting our website.
In addition to our own bus fleet, Faith Lutheran College is serviced by a number of local independent bus operators.
These services operate under contract from the Queensland Department of Transport, and have separate fees and charges for the usage of their services.
Our Scholarship Program is designed to provide financial assistance to students in order to strengthen the quality of our educational programs and recognise the efforts, talents and gifts of high achieving students in the areas of Academic Excellence and General Excellence.
Academic Excellence Scholarships
A limited number of Academic Excellence scholarships are awarded each year to students who demonstrate outstanding academic results and potential. In addition to this, successful applicants will showcase excellence in their behaviour, effort and commitment to their studies.
General Excellence Scholarships
In line with our vision of awakening potential and empowering learners, students applying for a General Excellence scholarship are required to define their area of excellence they wish to be considered for. Examples of General Excellence areas include, but are not limited to:
- All-Round (across three or more areas)
- Leadership (Christian Life, Civics, First Nations/Indigenous)
- Performing Arts
- Public Speaking
- Service
- Sport
- Other (applicant to define – e.g. entrepreneurship)
In addition to showcasing their specific field of expertise, General Excellence applicants must demonstrate their aptitude for learning and a high standard in behaviour, scholarship and work habits.
Faith Lutheran College, Plainland has received approval to expand our educational offering into the primary school years.
After years of diligent planning, persistent efforts and rigorous negotiations, we are delighted to announce that Faith Lutheran College, Plainland has been granted accreditation for primary education by the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board (NSSAB).
This significant milestone means that Faith will soon transform from a secondary-only institution into a full Prep to Year 12 Lutheran school!
The journey doesn't end here; there is still much work to be done as we prepare to welcome our first cohort of primary students.
The approval of our primary school marks a new chapter in the history of Faith Lutheran College, and it is a testament to our collective commitment to providing exceptional education.
As we expand to offer a comprehensive P-12 curriculum, we will continue to uphold the values and standards that make our College a beacon of inspiration and excellence.
We want to express our sincere appreciation to each member of our community for your ongoing support, prayers and understanding throughout this process.
Your support has been instrumental in bringing us to this point, and we are grateful for your continued belief in our shared vision of awakening potential and empowering learners for purposeful lives through Christ.
We will continue to update you as we move forward in the process and, once again, take this opportunity to thank you for your support in our journey here at Faith Lutheran College, Plainland.
Yours in Christ,
Doug Braiden
College Principal
(as voted by site visitors)
Faith Lutheran College, Plainland QLD