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Australian Christian College, Launceston TAS

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Australian Christian College, Launceston TAS
A K-10, co-educational, independent school located in Launceston.
103-105 Georgetown Rd
(03) 6326 8885
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  • Primary through Secondary
  • Distance Education
  • Multiple School Locations
  • Independent
  • Christian
  • Academic Achievement
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Creative Arts
  • Digital Technologies
  • Faith / Religion
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Personal Values
  • Social & Emotional Learning
  • Sport
  • Visual Art

Welcome to Distance Education with ACC Launceston

Thanks to digital technology, school is no longer constrained by four walls. The school of tomorrow is here today. It's called Distance Education. ACC’s Distance Education School is a legitimate option with qualified teacher support, registered curriculum and university pathways.

Our team of university-qualified and experienced teachers stretch, challenge and grow our students’ academic abilities using technology solutions from the likes of Google for Education, Apple and Khan Academy.

It’s school, but not as you know it

Distance Education School is a new phenomena in Australia. Students ‘attend’ classes online, away from the Launceston school campus.

This distance education mode of school offers students a truly unique alternative to the regular school campus experience.

This option has proven popular. The Australian Christian College Group is the largest independent distance education provider in Australia.

Distance Education students work with their peers throughout Tasmania, sharing their opinions and reflecting on what they have learned in class discussions. They complete assessment tasks appropriate to the subjects, including exams, essays and multimedia projects.

Primary and high school students also have the opportunity to build friendships with students their age and discuss common interests outside of school. The distance education student community is vibrant, active and positive with lots of talk on things like computer games, sports, TV shows, movies, books and much more.


Learn from anywhere

With distance education, students can learn from anywhere. It’s portable, flexible and affordable.

From Hobart to Hadspen, Distance Education allows your child more flexibility with their location and school times. With a goal to complete 5 days worth of coursework each week, they can balance their personal goals and priorities by adjusting their study times. No more travelling to or from school every day.

Having said that, students cannot fall behind. They’re required to submit work following the due dates in their assessment schedule - just the same as regular school.

Our modular distance education courses allow you to learn when the time is right for you.


Distance education students are diverse

Distance education students are very diverse because distance education suits a wide variety of learners.

Some primary and high school students thrive online as they escape frustrations with distractions, commuting times, unstable friendships and wasted time during school hours. Others have survived bullying and appreciate the respite distance education provides. Students with learning disabilities such as ADHD, auditory processing problems, autism and dyslexia benefit from the self-paced nature of distance education. Some have distance education while pursuing a sporting or performing arts career. Anxiety is sadly on the rise. Anxiety levels drop when learning online from home.

Students who live in remote areas often don't have many local schools and boarding school is expensive. Distance education provides a legitimate option to these isolated families while building family connectedness.

Regardless of your situation, you will appreciate the support provided by a qualified teaching team and the ready-made learning program available through our Distance Education School.


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Australian Christian College, Launceston TAS


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