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Danebank, Anglican School For Girls - Hurstville NSW

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Danebank, Anglican School for Girls
82-98 Park Road
Sydney South
02 9580 1415
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Dr Emma Burgess
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
  • Single School Location
  • ELC-12 Campus
  • Anglican
K-Year 12
Gifted & Talented Program
  • Academic Achievement
  • Creative Arts
  • Culture / Tradition
  • Information Technology
  • Numeracy / Literacy
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Personal Values
  • Science/Technology
  • French
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Cross Country Running
  • Netball
  • Swimming
  • Tennis

Danebank is the leading Christian girls school in St George and Sutherland Shire and is the region's top-performing non-selective school in HSC rankings.

Our integrated, holistic approach to education and student development encourages and empowers our girls to flourish academically, socially and personally. 

Girls are empowered to develop their natural gifts and explore new opportunities. They are encouraged to strive for their best, develop confidence in their own abilities, model integrity and serve the wider community. Our girls express a strong sense of belonging to their friends and their school.

A school of choice for girls, Danebank's teaching and learning value innovation and promote positive relationships and learning experiences. 

Danebank girls express their gifts and talents unencumbered by any gender restrictions. They study Physics and high levels of Mathematics. They are school leaders, performers and artists. They are experts in technology. They can hit a home run. They can play the drums. They achieve amongst the best in the state, some among the best in the country.

Our buildings and classrooms are modern, spacious and attractive and have state-of-the-art equipment.

Specialist facilities include:
- Performing Arts Centre
- Dedicated technological facilities including laboratories, woodwork rooms, design & technology rooms, hospitality kitchen, textiles classroom, specialist visual arts rooms
- Indoor Aquatic centre with a 25m pool, suitable for water polo and general swimming and a beginners’ learn to swim pool
- School gymnasium with multi-purpose courts, PDHPE class room and mezzanine suitable for dance or other activities

Pre-Kindergarten Program

Pre-Kindergarten is the official year of entry into Danebank’s Junior School. Danebank’s Pre-Kinder program uses play along with an understanding of little girls’ natural curiosity and sense of fun to enable them to explore and look at things in a new light, thoroughly preparing them for Kindergarten.

Our Pre-K girls are learning all the time, without even being aware of it. They are learning to socialise and develop new friendships, and gain the necessary skills and independence to be able to go to “big school”. They play and explore non-stop, while being encouraged to think, observe, identify and differentiate. 

Junior School Program

Danebank Junior School is a happy, safe and vibrant learning environment with many and varied activities that engage and develop students’ keen minds. Teaching staff are committed to the development of each individual student. Teachers work in collaboration with families in pursuit of the best outcomes for each student so that each girl may reach her potential in all areas, academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.

Our students develop confidence and resilience because they experience an educational journey filled with amazing challenges, guidance of outstanding educators, where they discover their personal strengths in an individually supportive environment. They are asked to be sensitive to the needs of others and to offer assistance to those less fortunate in the wider world.

Senior School Program

Danebank Senior School aims to give students the best possible preparation for an independent, achieving future through academic, service and other programmes. Danebank is committed to providing quality, faith-based teaching and learning that values innovation and promotes positive relationships and learning experiences.

- Broad subject base to choose from
- Individual and co-operative learning situations
- Developing study and research techniques
- Developing strong communication and presentation skills 
- Service learning
- Creative arts - visual arts, music and drama
- Specific technological and applied studies subjects 
- PDHPE and Sport - specialist coaches are employed to provide unique opportunities for students
- A range of enriching extra-curricular opportunities
- Support for high potential learners and special needs students
- Onsite School Counsellor 

Students with special needs are identified early and additional help is provided for those who require it to reach their potential. Learning support staff and a range of personalised programs assist students with learning difficulties.

Danebank has a strong emphasis on Gifted and Talented programs, starting in the Junior years with a special education teacher who provides extension work for students with high potential. 

Streamed classes in the Secondary years provide students with educational challenges that suit their abilities and helps motivate them to achieve. Students can accelerate in some subjects in the Senior years. 

Situated in Hurstville, Danebank is easily accessed via train and bus transport.
Danebank also provide minibus transport for some junior school students to and from school. The bus services covers a nmber of suburbs in the Georges River & Bayside, Canterbury/Bankstown & the Inner West and Sutherland Shire.

Danebank Scholars receive outstanding opportunities to discover their strengths, express their creativity and achieve to their potential. Our Scholars enjoy the School’s dynamic, friendly and empowering environment that believes girls can do anything.

State-of-the art facilities and advanced technological infrastructure enhance students’ capacity to pursue their learning with relish.

Staff are dedicated professionals whose care and expertise is widely acknowledged. Our students achieve outstanding academic outcomes as a result.

In recent years, Danebank students have achieved amongst the top in the state and country. Two students have represented Australia at Youth Science Seminars overseas, a number of students have achieved close to maximum marks in HSC Mathematics courses, and others have been finalists in prestigious Art Competitions, including the Young Archibalds.

Danebank maintains an innovative approach to teaching and learning. The school was one of the first in Sydney to introduce iPad technology as part of everyday learning. The school continues to focus on the latest research-based approaches to best teaching practice. Former students include women leaders, including globally, in fields such as Medicine, Engineering, Law, Dentistry, Education, Business and Academia.

Danebank intends to maximise the potential of gifted students through differentiated learning experiences and to ensure that all gifted and talented students are offered a learning environment that challenges and supports them in their learning.

Scholarship Opportunities

  1. Accelerated Mathematics class
    Danebank offers gifted students the opportunity to study in an accelerated Mathematics class which will continue to HSC level.
  2. Differentiated programs for gifted and talented students in the classroom provide activities particularly suited to their aptitudes.
  3. External subject-based enrichment activities.
  4. Extension work that stretches the boundaries of students who have mastered core curriculum content and processes.
  5. Provision of opportunities for the application of knowledge beyond the classroom such as Da Vinci Decathlon, Mock Trial and SCIENTIA.
  6. Access to experts engaged in key fields of expertise related to subject content.
  7. Open High School for girls who would like to extend their studies outside the Danebank curriculum.
  8. Graded classes, special enrichment programs and opportunities to challenge gifted students within class groups.
  9. Acceleration for individuals may be offered to outstanding students in relevant subject areas.
  10. Gifted and talented students sit for many academically challenging competitions, attend special workshops, field trips and excursions.

All Girls

We believe that girls achieve their best in an all-girls environment where ALL activities and opportunities are for girls and there are no gender restrictions. Danebank girls are encouraged to applaud their classmates for their successes and to always be mindful of the needs of others. Our girls forge great friendships that are life-long.

Other Extras

Danebank offers opportunities for all girls to develop their talents beyond the classroom, with programs in music, drama, debating, sports, leadership, outdoor education, and service to others.
This is all supported by the strong Christian culture of the School. Christian clubs, programs and activities are also offered.

The school offers Academic and Music Scholarships each year for entry to Year 7. The scholarships may be full or half, covering tuition fees for the length of the student’s attendance at the school.  Scholarship application and testing is for Year 5 2020, for entry into Year 7 2022.

Scholarships will only be awarded to Australian residents.

Principal's Image

Welcome to Danebank Anglican School for Girls

It is a great pleasure to welcome you as you consider options and endeavour to find the best school for your daughter. 

I know that, in exploring a Danebank education, you are making one of the most significant decisions for your family. It is a transformative period of your daughter’s life, where she arrives as a girl and leaves the school gates as a young woman.

Danebank is one of the leading girls’ schools in Australia with a wonderful reputation and proud history of excellence and innovation in thinking, learning and care. Our girls are encouraged and empowered to flourish in every aspect of their lives through the provision of a high-quality, affordable and well-rounded contemporary Christian education.  

For several years now, Danebank has been the top-performing non-selective school in Sydney’s St George and Sutherland shires. Our school’s wide range of sport, co-curricular, social, community service, extension and support activities provide the rich soil in which our girls flourish as they grow into young women.

Danebank is a warm, vibrant Christian learning community. You feel it as you walk in the school. There is an atmosphere of warmth, positivity, safety and support, along with a strong sense of belonging among our students. Girls develop life-long friendships and we view our relationships as key to our success. We actively partner with families and are deeply committed to ensuring that our girls learn within a happy, safe and nurturing environment. 

Our students are at the heart of everything we do. Our approach to education is holistic: we integrate student wellbeing, learning and personal development to help shape the social, emotional, physical, cognitive and spiritual aspects of each individual. Our girls consistently achieve outstanding academic results which we celebrate along with multifaceted cultural, sporting, service and outdoor learning pursuits. 

Our teachers are outstanding educators who are experts in their field and are deeply committed to educating girls. Danebank teachers are passionate about ensuring that each girl experiences the best in learning. They get to know their students and how they learn, and tailor their learning programs accordingly. 

The life of our school is anchored in a Christian foundation and our worship and spiritual life is grounded in the Anglican tradition. The very essence of our motto - Ut Prosim That I May Serve - reflects our intention for each girl to develop meaning in her life, to grow in faith, to serve others and contribute to society into the future.  

I encourage you to explore the many advantages of a Danebank education found within this website and look forward to meeting you in the future.

Dr Emma Burgess, Principal

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Danebank, Anglican School For Girls - Hurstville NSW

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