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Ellenbrook Christian College - Ellenbrook WA

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Ellenbrook Christian College
5 Santona Boulevarde
Perth North
08 9297 9297
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  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
  • Christian
K - Year 12

Located in one of Perth's youngest and fastest growing communities, Ellenbrook Christian College offers a Kindergarten to Year 12 education.

Our Values:

The College has a well-developed, biblically grounded and Christ-centred education philosophy, built on the pillars of Character, Commitment and Community. These values are woven into every aspect of our educational offering. They are on display in our classrooms, in how we greet you in reception, in how we talk to one another and in how we nurture and support our students. They are in everything we do, and this all stems from our faith.

We believe and practice that all children and young people have the right to feel and be safe. This is why Ellenbrook Christian College aligns with the National Child Safe Principles.
We are a Christian community dedicated to sharing God’s love for the world through an exceptional educational experience. We value the uniqueness of every child and understand the crucial place educators have in assisting them to reach their full potential.


The Arts at Ellenbrook Christian College provides active learning in a vast array of visual and performing environments.

Students are equipped to develop and achieve excellence in innovation, design, performance and production. Our highly experienced specialists will nurture and inspire students to achieve excellence in their creative field.

Ellenbrook Christian College offers a unique emphasis on providing aesthetic experiences within the Arts. An aesthetic experience is one in which senses are operating at their peak; the mind is resonating with the excitement of the experience; feeling fully alive. Students are given powerful learning opportunities that encourage inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, making mistakes and having fun.



Offering programs in Dance, Drama, Media, Music, and Visual Arts. Ellenbrook Christian College creates vibrant environments that enable deep-level independent thinking and the development of high-level transferable skill sets. At the core of all our programs, we strive to offer students opportunities at a professional Arts level to engage, inspire and equip them for life-long engagement in the industry.

Music Tuition

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Ellenbrook Christian College offers individual music tuition in a variety of instruments including piano, guitar, drums, violin, viola, cello and voice. We also offer the opportunity to take part in exciting musical ensembles. These ensembles include Year 3 Strings, Senior Strings, Senior Choir and the Dolce Choir.

Ellenbrook Christian College boasts state-of-the-art instrumental practice and tuition facilities as well as experienced tutors who have been appointed based on their expertise and wealth of knowledge gained teaching in other schools and music studios


Further Music Tuition Information

  • Please submit the form (click button below) with your enquiry and one of the ECC music teachers will be in touch.
  • Please note that both music teachers work part time, so we may not reply immediately but we will respond to your enquiry as soon as we can.
  • Newly enrolled students will begin in the following term unless arrangement have been made with the tutor to start earlier.
  • The student will be required to use their own instrument, or please let us know if you need to borrow one while you are in the process of purchasing one, we can try to organise a loan instrument. Loan instruments are subject to availability.
  • Payment is made directly to the tutor and they will invoice you at the beginning of the term and liaise with you via email.
  • If a lesson is missed, please let the tutor know you would like to schedule a makeup lesson for the one missed, and the tutor will do their best to accommodate you however it may need to be an online lesson to fit with the tutor’s schedule.
  • For best results it is recommended that students practice at least 60 minutes a week (eg. 4x 15-minute practice sessions) or more.
  • Students will have their lessons at the same time each week, and we will ensure it is not during a specialist subject (eg. sport, STEM). Their tutor will collect them from their classroom for the lesson.
  • Music is a part of the ECC culture, and we prioritise our instrumental music students in all of our school performances therefore we may be in touch regarding performance opportunities within the ECC community.
  • Parents must give notice by the end of the term if they wish to withdraw their child from lessons.
  • For any further questions please contact




At Ellenbrook Christian College, our students from Kindergarten to Year 12 are encouraged to participate in our extensive sports program.

The program contributes to the holistic development of each child and develops their skills in sports of their personal interest. We offer our students both competitive and elite opportunities through sport, as well as activities for enjoyment and wellbeing. 

Throughout the Primary School years, students have the opportunity to participate in the Western Australian Christian School Sport Association (WACSSA) in various interschool carnivals. As they progress through Secondary School, they compete in the North Eastern Associated School (NEAS) regular fixture program, as well as Associated Catholic Colleges (ACC) carnivals.

Participating in competitive sports provides students with the opportunity to participate in activities that designed to enhance student wellbeing and promote physical activity as a lifelong activity, including a variety of games, aesthetic activities, outdoor education activities and a variety of fun fitness activities.

The Colleges AFL, Basketball, Netball and Soccer teams also compete against other schools and districts throughout the year.




Experiential Learning

At Ellenbrook Christian College, students are provided with the opportunity to learn through unique experiences outside of the classroom.

It is through these experiences that students develop a repertoire of skills including cooperation, communication, teamwork and resilience.

Through camps and mission trips, we take school to the road and give students the experience of learning about themselves, the world around them and the needs of others. All of the camps undertaken by our students are beneficial to the growth of each student as each camp has been designed to challenge each individual spiritually, emotionally and socially.




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River Rangers is a primary school cadet program for students in Years 5 and 6, that runs during school and after school hours. It seeks to engage and educate the next generation of children to help us protect our local rivers. It aims to empower students to make positive change to their local communities and waterways and ultimately, their local river park. River Rangers allows students to actively investigate local issues and design, evaluate and share the results of their projects with other schools and the wider community.

Conservation projects undertaken by River Rangers include tree planting, litter pick-ups, bird and bat box building, biodiversity surveys, water quality testing, building and developing native gardens and a frog pond.

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Bush Rangers WA is a youth-based conservation and community development program. It supports young Western Australians to take an active role in the conservation of the natural environment and better understand the mechanisms for its management.

It offers young people opportunities to undertake personal development training while developing their conservation skills and knowledge through involvement in practical nature conservation projects. Projects undertaken can be school based, within the local community, or camping at some amazing locations and landscapes in the southwest. 

Modules covered by Bush Rangers are –

  • Nature Conservation and Biodiversity
  • Parks, Reserves and Landscape Management
  • Bushcraft and Survival
  • First Aid
  • Basic Drills for special occasions e.g. Anzac
  • Confidence and leaderships skills


River Rangers and Bush Ranger units are supported by Cadets WA and Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

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The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is new to Ellenbrook Christian College for 2022. The Award  is a development program that encourages young people between the ages of 14 to 24 to explore their full potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world.

In 2022, all Year 9 students have been invited to participate in the Award at the Bronze level, and 20 students have taken up the challenge and begun logging their journey. We are excited to see them embrace the program and show enthusiasm for learning in the areas that they have chosen. Many are on track to complete their Bronze level by the end of the year and are keen to work towards their Gold level by the time they graduate.

The Award is separated into three levels; bronze, silver and gold.  Since the Award’s launch nearly 60 years ago, it has inspired more than eight million young people to transform their lives. By creating opportunities for young people to develop skills, get physically active, give service and experience adventure, the Award can play a critical role in their development outside the classroom. It also allows their achievement to be consistently recognised worldwide, giving young people unique international accreditation of their experiences.

If your child is interested in taking part in this amazing opportunity, please get in touch by emailing Kerry Martin ( or contacting the College directly.

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Ellenbrook Christian College offers academic scholarships which recognise and reward endeavour.

Our secondary program encourages the pursuit of excellence as students progress through three phases of learning: Fundamentals and Enquiry in Years 7 and 8, Aspiration and Initiative in Years 9 and 10, and Experience and Mastery in Years 11 and 12.

Academic Scholarships offer up to 50% remission of tuition fees and are awarded on the basis of a scholarship exam and successful interview. These scholarships are only available for students entering into Year 7. Students interested in achieving academic success in their Secondary Years at Ellenbrook Christian College can get further information on Scholarships by contacting the school or applying below. Scholarship testing for 2024 open on September 29, 2023.

Additional information will be available soon. Please watch this space.

Principal's Image

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"On behalf of Ellenbrook Christian College, we would like to extend a warm welcome to you.

As a parent, there are so many factors that influence our choice of school; Excellent teaching and learning programs, strong well-structured pastoral care and extensive extra-curricular offerings. At Ellenbrook Christian College we offer all this, but we strive to go much further.

We recognise that each child is an individual who brings their talents and passions to the school community. We seek to develop those talents and inspire our students to foster a love for learning and personal growth. Through focusing on getting to know our students, we develop an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and we work to provide pathways designed to develop their particular talents.

Driven by Christian values, we seek to develop the character of our students, providing a supportive environment to foster personal development, preparing to emerge into the world equipped to contribute according to their talents. We are intentional about developing the whole person through our Salt and Light philosophy. As with our academic program, our pastoral care and personal development approaches are sequential, building on the previously acquired skills.

The success of our vision hinges upon our strong and demonstrable partnerships with parents, working in unity. Ellenbrook is a lively, vibrant community and the school is committed to fostering strong parent engagement.

Thank you for considering Ellenbrook Christian College, we would love the opportunity to walk this journey with you.”


Mrs. Gigi Thiele


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