Dieu de Veult – God Wills It
Glennie girls are known for their compassion, confidence and integrity; characteristics which they wear with pride. When you meet a Glennie Old Girl she will speak fondly and with gratitude of her time at The Glennie School and the fine education that she received whilst here. This is not surprising, as we provide an environment where girls thrive intellectually, emotionally, culturally, physically and spiritually.
Your daughter will be supported and encouraged every step of the way by professional and caring staff, to develop skills and characteristics to be All She Can Be® in myriad situations and contexts. Our all-encompassing education is underpinned by a strong Anglican Ethos and lived Christian values.
At Glennie we are passionate about girls’ education; we know that girls excel in an environment where they feel free to be themselves. Research tells us that single-sex schooling for females has a positive impact on many aspects of their lives, particularly academic, outlook and social. They tend to be more confident and assertive and feel empowered to behave in a more competitive way.
I encourage you to come for a visit to chat about what we have to offer your daughter. We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to the Glennie family.
The Glennie School Toowoomba is a leading Independent Anglican School for girls, educating students from Preparatory to Year 12 with boarding from Year 5.
Glennie is a place of education for over 700 girls, hailing from Toowoomba and throughout regional Australia, where girls develop a lifelong love of learning and curiosity; spiritual awareness and reflection; and a pursuit of personal best.
As a faith-based school our graduates understand the Christian way of living, the importance of giving back to our communities and to strive for excellence in order to serve others for a greater good. Our values of Courage, Respect, Integrity and Compassion remain at the foundational heart of our school.
Glennie supports the learning endeavours of students through a host of personalised learning, cultural and co-curricular experiences. The Glennie Sports Academy, Performing Arts, and French Immersion programs have been carefully developed to offer both inclusive and tailored programs to all students, fostering individual strengths, passions and interests.
A leader in its use of technology and creative teaching pedagogy, the Glennie classroom is a place of innovation and inquiry, where girls are supported in their interests through traditional curriculum and flexible learning arrangements, which foster individual career progression.
The Glennie School continues to deliver a uniquely personalised learning approach that enables graduates to reach their full individual potential. Professional and highly skilled staff educate confident, empowered young women, and ensure that our proven educational approach continues to pave the way for our graduates; as it has done for the past 110 years.
Glennie supports the learning endeavours of students through a host of personalised learning, cultural and co-curricular experiences. The Glennie Sports Academy, Performing Arts, and French Immersion programs have been carefully developed to offer both inclusive and tailored programs to all students, fostering individual strengths, passions and interests.
Glennie provides families with both a school and a place of care for their daughters, thanks to its inclusive, safe and structured residential learning environment. Glennie has been the boarding school of choice for generations of regional and remote families, whilst ensuring both day and boarding students are all viewed as one community.
Glennie’s pastoral care philosophy has developed over a century of experience in caring for and cherishing the growth of each girl. Our pastoral care program is a cornerstone of our duty of care; to develop in Glennie girls the social, emotional and relationship skills that build resilience, strength of character and confidence. This care recognises that each girl is unique and has much to offer the student community and much to learn as she matures into a young woman. All girls are placed in a House group; Hale, Donaldson, Tufnell or Webber, which is led by a senior teacher, the Head of House. The Head of House is a very important element of Glennie’s pastoral care structure, having the overall responsibility for the daily wellbeing of, and interaction with, the girls in the particular House group. The Head of House also interacts with the parents and guardians of the girls as appropriate. This does not exclude the care and attention provided by all her teachers, every day. Within each House, each girl in Secondary School is placed in a Tutor Group led by a Tutor Teacher. Tutor Groups meet every morning to check off daily attendance and also deliver to the girls, important information about daily school requirements. Subject teachers, Tutor teachers, the Chaplain, boarding house staff, Health Centre nurses and the Heads of House all play an important and active role in each girl’s health and welfare whilst at School. A School Counsellor works with the School staff and provides a professional counselling service for girls as appropriate. The Deputy Head and Head of School are also available to provide guidance and meet individually with girls.
Bus services to and from The Glennie School are available. To find out more about timetables, you can visit translink.com.au or call 13 12 30 anytime.
To make a Glennie education available to as many girls as possible, we offer a number of scholarships, in different categories, providing part remission for tuition fees. In some cases, part remission for boarding fees may also be provided.
Glennie scholarships are generally offered to girls entering Years 7 and 10 and are based on the results achieved in testing. Scholarships are offered for three or four years and, following a successful review of progress, are continued until the end of Year 12. Students may apply for more than one category however, only one scholarship will be awarded per girl.
All scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the Principal
Find out about Glennie scholarships here - https://www.glennie.qld.edu.au/enrol/fees-scholarships/
When Canon Benjamin Glennie started the endowment fund that was used in 1898 to acquire the land on which The Glennie School now stands, he saw a need on the Darling Downs to provide first-class educational facilities for the daughters of settlers. His hopes had begun to take shape and, whilst he died in 1900, others enacted his vision and on 27 July 1908 the Misses Margaret and Grace Lawrance were invited to become the founding Principals and joint Heads of the Glennie School Church of England Grammar School for Girls.
The Mission Statement in 1909 was: “to train each pupil individually not only to cultivate her particular tastes and talents… to the best advantage but also to make her realise the responsibility which life entails on all of us and the importance of character in its influence in those around.”
We might use slightly different words today, but not much has changed.
The here and now at Glennie sees our values of Courage, Respect, Integrity, and Compassion remaining at the foundational heart of our school whilst we seek to make an outstanding and irrefutable impact for the good of our society. This is achieved through the quality of our teaching and leadership in education, ensuring that every Glennie girl reaches her full spiritual, physical, and academic potential, whatever that may be.
As the 14th Principal of The Glennie School, I acknowledge the Principals who have come before me, reminding me of the responsibility I have to carry forward and enhance their legacy.
The Glennie School is committed to ensuring that each girl can be “all she can be” through an exceptional all-girls education, an optimistic and contemporary approach to all facets of her life, be that academic, sport, service, or the performing arts, all encompassed in strong Christian values.
The Glennie School journey commences at Kindergarten, age 3, and continues through to Year 12 where the seamless transition at each development stage is extraordinary and highlights the importance of each stage and age of the learning continuum.
Educating the young women of Glennie is a privilege and we thank all our families for entrusting us with your most precious gifts, your daughters.
We seek to develop in all our girls a desire to be courageous, respectful, integrous, and compassionate in all that they do whilst developing their passion for learning, encouraging their creativity, and standing tall as ethical women of action. These are the women that will make a difference in the world; these are the women of character from the promise of girls.
Ms Mary Anne Evans
(as voted by site visitors)