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Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School, Ormeau QLD

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Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School
169 Eggersdorf Road
Brisbane South, Gold Coast
07 5549 5000
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Mr. Leigh Mirto
  • Primary School
  • Catholic
K - 6

Learning at Mother Teresa

?In pursuit of the goals of lifelong learning, each child at Mother Teresa Primary School will participate in an outcomes approach to learning. An outcomes approach is built on the belief that all children will achieve their expected educational outcomes over time, given a broad range of opportunities within a variety of contexts. Outcomes beyond those expected to be achieved will become goals for many children. Our program is both rigorous and flexible to enable such opportunities.

As Christians, we are called to care for creation, for present and future generations.
Through personal conversion and Catholic Social Teaching?:
We Teach by:
Encouraging and supporting Eco-Literacy within Learning and Teaching Programs and Professional Learning.
We Challenge by:
Embedding and aligning the principles of sustainability and environmental stewardship within renewal processes.
We Transform by:
Promoting personal and communal ecological conversion and establishing community partnerships as we move towards living an ecological vocation.
Through compassion, love, service, peace and prayer, Mother Teresa Primary School aspires to be an authentic Christian community, building quality relationships based on servant leadership, modelled by the vision and example of Jesus Christ, enriched by the words and actions of Mother Teresa.
?Mother Teresa Primary School aims to LEAD with quality education, and CARE through supportive relationships, INSPIRE resilient children, CREATE inspirational environments and NURTURE active faith. We believe that by using our Vision as a strong foundation, we are able to reach our Mission for the school.

Translink buses service the following areas:

Ormeau, Pimpama, Stapylton, Yatala and Beenleigh.

For up-to-date timetable, route and service information visit: Translink. For further information, click Bus Timetables.

Please click on the link below to find all information required to prepare your child for travelling on Translink's public transport network in South East Queensland.

Public Transport Guide for Parents


Student Travel Rebates

Since 1997 the Queensland Government has provided ?funding to enable the non-state school sector to administer a transport assistance scheme for students attending non-state schools.

The Scheme is known as the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS).  

NSSTAS consists of two programs:

  • Bus Fare Assistance Program (BFAP), and

  • Students With Disability transport assistance program (SWD).

The purpose of the Bus Fare Assistance Program (BFAP) is to provide financial assistance to families who pay more than a nominated weekly threshold in bus fares to transport their students to a non-state school located outside the Brisbane City Council boundary.  

Parents, guardians or carers applying for travel assistance may submit an online application form available during the month of May for Semester One and October for Semester Two on the NSSTAS website at

For information regarding eligibility and to apply online, please click here?.

Principal's Image

One of the most important decisions we make as parents for our children is the school we choose for their education.

Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School is a vibrant educational community in Ormeau. We are perfectly 
situated to utilise our environment to provide a balanced education with high expectations for academic performance and citizenship.
We value open spaces in which children may be active, inquisitive and creative. Opportunities exist for students to be involved in a range of academic, sporting, cultural and musical experiences.
Our dedicated educators and supportive community establish Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School as an excellent educational choice for your child.
Following the words of Mother Teresa, "Do small things with great love", typifies the values of care and compassion to which we aspire.
We recognise that these characteristics will support children throughout their years of education and beyond.
Choosing Mother Teresa for your child provides them with the opportunity to share their talents and enhance our education community.
I look forward to meeting you and answering any questions about our school.
Mr. Leigh Mirto
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Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School, Ormeau QLD

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