Upcoming Events
Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School, Ormeau Principal's Tour Wed Mar 26 [12 Days to go] |
Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School, Ormeau Open Day Wed Apr 30 [47 Days to go] |
Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School, Ormeau Principal's Tour Wed May 14 [61 Days to go] |
Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School, Ormeau Principal's Tour Wed May 28 [75 Days to go] |
Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School, Ormeau Principal's Tour Wed Jun 11 [89 Days to go] |
Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School, Ormeau Principal's Tour Wed Jul 23 [131 Days to go] |
?In pursuit of the goals of lifelong learning, each child at Mother Teresa Primary School will participate in an outcomes approach to learning. An outcomes approach is built on the belief that all children will achieve their expected educational outcomes over time, given a broad range of opportunities within a variety of contexts. Outcomes beyond those expected to be achieved will become goals for many children. Our program is both rigorous and flexible to enable such opportunities.
Translink buses service the following areas:
Ormeau, Pimpama, Stapylton, Yatala and Beenleigh.
For up-to-date timetable, route and service information visit: Translink. For further information, click Bus Timetables.
Please click on the link below to find all information required to prepare your child for travelling on Translink's public transport network in South East Queensland.
Public Transport Guide for Parents
Since 1997 the Queensland Government has provided ?funding to enable the non-state school sector to administer a transport assistance scheme for students attending non-state schools.
The Scheme is known as the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS).
NSSTAS consists of two programs:
Bus Fare Assistance Program (BFAP), and
Students With Disability transport assistance program (SWD).
The purpose of the Bus Fare Assistance Program (BFAP) is to provide financial assistance to families who pay more than a nominated weekly threshold in bus fares to transport their students to a non-state school located outside the Brisbane City Council boundary.
Parents, guardians or carers applying for travel assistance may submit an online application form available during the month of May for Semester One and October for Semester Two on the NSSTAS website at http://www.schooltransport.com.au/
For information regarding eligibility and to apply online, please click here?.
One of the most important decisions we make as parents for our children is the school we choose for their education.
(as voted by site visitors)