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Northholm Grammar School - Arcadia NSW

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Northholm Grammar School
Northholm Grammar School is an independent, co-educational K-12 school welcoming families of Sydney’s Hills and Hornsby Shires since 1983. It’s the school of choice for parents seeking a cohesive K-12 experience for their child.
79 Cobah Road
Sydney North, Sydney North-West
(02) 9656 2000

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Christopher Bradbury
  • Early Learning
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
  • Single School Location
  • Independent
  • Christian
Kindergarten - Year 12
2024 Fees Schedule
K-2: $11,290
3-4: $12,430
5-6: $15,365
7-10: $20,440
11-12: $22,230
  • Academic Achievement
  • Agriculture
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Community
  • Creative Arts
  • Employment Pathways
  • Music
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Personal Values
  • Resources / Facilites
  • French
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Aerobics
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country Running
  • Debating
  • Diving
  • Equestrian
  • Football (Soccer)
  • Futsal
  • Netball
  • Rugby Union
  • Swimming
  • Taekwondo
  • Touch Football
  • Triathlon

Northholm Grammar School is a vibrant and supportive school community where young people can develop the knowledge, skills and personal attributes they need to live rich and purposeful lives as future global citizens.

Families from across the Hills and Hornsby Shires have chosen Northholm for their children. These families appreciate the benefits that come from a personalised learning experience, in a tranquil learning environment, that nurtures their child’s holistic development – academically, socially, physically, culturally and spiritually.

Committed to our students’ growth and success, we know that the best learning occurs when they are happy, known and supported. Our team of dedicated, passionate and inspiring teachers will support the authentic growth of your child through dynamic and innovative teaching methods and exposure to diverse learning experiences, managing risk and reward to build resilience, curiosity and courage.

As a school with inclusive Christian values, we actively encourage our students to be generous in nature, tolerant in thought and compassionate in action. In considering Northholm as the school of choice for your children, know that they will be respected for who they are and valued for what they can achieve. At Northholm, your child can become a successful, confident and articulate individual with a strong sense of commitment to others, their community and the natural environment.

I warmly encourage you to visit us in person. We look forward to sharing with you our exciting vision for the future as a place of quality education for all.

Christopher Bradbury




Northholm Grammar School is an independent, co-educational K-12 school welcoming families of Sydney’s Hills and Hornsby Shires since 1983. It’s the school of choice for parents seeking a cohesive K-12 experience for their child. Students thrive on their learning journey, motivated to achieve and supported by a caring team. Northholm is a school with inclusive Christian values, in the Anglican tradition, welcoming families of all faiths and embrace diversity and inclusivity.  

Northholm is the hidden gem of the district, closely connected to the Hills and Hornsby Shires. The idyllic campus, nestled in natural bushland, provides the space and opportunity to flourish. Northholm Grammar’s modern teaching and learning spaces include advanced information technology resources, science laboratories and specialist Music, Drama, Art and Design and Technology facilities. The campus also features a working farm, Agriculture Trade Training Centre, a sensory garden, extensive fields and courts, and an indoor Sports Centre.

Northholm Grammar was founded on a vision to create a caring school that would know and nurture its students, with inspiring teachers who motivate them to give their best, and a campus environment that enhances the adventure of learning. 40 years on, this vision is just as relevant as students, parents and staff strive together as a community for the common goal of academic, pastoral and co-curricular achievement. 

Northholm students build real relationships with peers and teachers, as they travel along their individual learning path, secure in the knowledge that they belong. Academically rigorous, but non-selective, the school caters for all students and proudly stands for excellence and aiming for your personal best. A Northholm education is distinctive, students are encouraged to serve others, to find their purpose and are instilled with the determination and character to succeed.

Whether your child is academically gifted, shines on a creative stage, shows promising sporting ability or aspires to lead others to positive change, students at Northholm are respected for who they are and valued for what they can achieve. We will discover and nurture each child’s talents through a tailored learning experience with a Learning Support Team who monitor the progress of students providing in-class support, small group and individual tuition. Students who wish to be challenged beyond the core content have a range of clubs, co-curricular options and enrichment activities to choose from.

Learning at Northholm is enriched with opportunities to foster the intellectual, spiritual, physical, emotional and social development of our students. Personal growth is encouraged through pastoral care, a leadership program, music and drama programs, and a chapel program. A Service Learning Program enables all students to grow through participation in year based service initiatives, charity events, fundraising and outreach programs. 

As a non-selective school Northholm provides a flexible curriculum that is responsive to the differing educational needs of our students. This flexibility allows us to cater for the wide range of abilities within each class so that each individual student is able to develop as a self-directed learner with the ability to adapt to new challenges and different contexts as they feel ready.

This approach includes opportunities for all students to engage in activities that require higher order thinking and the ability to clearly communicate an understanding about what they’ve learned through a range of well-formed arguments and opinions that can be applied to real life scenarios. The connection between lessons learned inside the classroom and what happens outside forms a critical part of Northholm’s approach to teaching and learning as it enables teachers to utilise the many opportunities provided by our wonderful rural setting.
Within an easy 25 minute drive from Hornsby or Castle Hill, Northholm enjoys the benefit of a tranquil, semi-rural setting away from traffic noise and urban pollution. Situated on 10 hectares the school is within easy reach of the Hills District, the Upper North Shore and the Hawkesbury Valley. The contained site enhances the schools sense of community and its proximity to natural bushland provides easy access to outdoor education.

As the nature of schooling continues to change there is increasing pressure on schools to develop facilities that maximise learning opportunities for students. Nowhere is this more important than in the provision of specialist facilities that support different forms of learning including the integration of the latest developments in information technologies.

At Northholm our facilities include:
- Modern Teaching and Learning Space
- Advanced information technology resources
- Science laboratories
- Specialist Music Centre
- Library and Information Centre
- Art Centre
- Design and Technology Centre
- Drama Studio
- Agriculture Trade Training Centre
- Working Farm
- Sports Centre
- Extensive playing fields and outdoor courts
- Sensory Garden
- Natural bushland for cross-country and outdoor pursuits
- Canteen

While we enjoy the benefits afforded by these facilities the school is aware of its global responsibility and is actively promoting practices that will reduce our institutional carbon footprint and encourage students to develop more sustainable living habits.

To enrich our students lives and promote personal development, Northholm offers a range of co-curricular programs to suit your child. These activities not only provide personal enjoyment for the individual child, but supports the development of various skills and interests, teaches teamwork and increases engagement in their school life.

Co-Curricular opportunities include:

  • Creative and performing arts such as: 
    • bands and ensembles
    • drama productions
    • art classes,
  • Individual and team sports,
  • Agriculture clubs including show teams,
  • Outdoor and adventure programs such as the Duke of Edinburgh,
  • and a broad offering of other clubs catering to a wide range of interests. 

Creative and Performing Arts

Co-curricular music is a vital part of life at Northholm and students are actively encouraged to participate in the extensive music program. Students of any age are able to select from a broad range of instruments including woodwind, brass, string, percussion or vocal. Students can choose to join one or several of the many groups including Concert Bands, Stage Band, Choirs and Rock Bands as well as Flute, String, Percussion, Brass and Guitar ensembles. 

Those with an interest in Drama are able to get involved in stage productions as performers and behind the scenes as crew. The Co-Curricular Drama productions see students across vertical years groups collaborating together to create spectacular performances enjoyed by their fellow students, families and the greater community. 

Northholm also offers students with an interest and affinity for Visual Arts the chance to expand their learning with extra lessons beyond the classroom. Classes after school or at lunchtime are given by practising artists in drawing and ceramics. The School has a proud history of award-winning artists at shows including the Castle Hill Show and the Sydney Royal Easter Show across mediums including drawing, ceramics, sculpture, painting and more.

CAPA students are given many oppportunities throughout the year for performances and showcases, to share their works with the community.


We believe the physical and mental challenges of individual and team sports help students learn about themselves and develop real world skills including teamwork, persistence and resilience. All students are encouraged to participate actively in a broad range of sports. The inclusive nature of our sports program promotes a positive attitude towards health and fitness and a love of physical activity for its own sake.

Northholm offers many opportunities for your child to engage in healthy competition and the school has enjoyed a long tradition of sporting success. Northholm has been represented at state and national levels in a range of school sports including athletics, cricket, cross country, equestrian,  football, swimming, aerobics, basketball, netball, futsal, touch football and triathlon. Representative pathways exist through HZSA, AICES, CIS, NSWPSSA and NSW All Schools competitions.

Outdoor Education

Northholm aims to develop young people who are resilient, make good decisions, accept responsibility for their actions and demonstrate a high degree of competence in a variety of situations. Nestled in natural bushland, Northholm’s location allows for a range of outdoor pursuits on campus. We inspire in our students a sense of global responsibility in the environment and are dedicated to instituting sustainable practices across the school campus. In addition, in Years 7 to 10 our Outdoor Education program focuses on students getting to know each other beyond the classroom with outdoor camps which develops character, cooperation and resilience.

Other Clubs and activites

Northholm offers students a range of lunchtime and after-school clubs to suit their personal interests, passions and talents. The clubs on offer can change from year to year subject to student interest and staff expertise. Other popular clubs and activities are a range of agriculture clubs, academic enrichment activities, oratory programs, leadership and service opportunities, entrepreneurship activities, STEM education and the Duke of Edinburgh program.
Northholm Grammar believes young people need guidance and opportunity to find purpose in their lives and help them become positive influences in the world. Student Leadership programs at each level of schooling give our students the chance to discover and develop their leadership potential. Students are encouraged to participate in forums, debates, peer tutoring and mentoring programs, as well as service programs and outdoor experiences. All students are provided with age-appropriate opportunities to develop leadership capacity as both individuals and within teams through roles in and outside the classroom, developing the attributes they need to lead lives as responsible and compassionate global citizens.

Pastoral Care: enhancing spiritual and personal growth

Pastoral care has been an integral part of Northholm’s program since the School’s foundation. Our pastoral care system is structured to provide a network of support, encouragement and guidance for every student in our care so that no student feels lost or overwhelmed.

The House System

Each student belongs to one of four Houses – Capell, Lincoln, Patteson or Rowland. Within this House structure, students are given the opportunity to know each other through a range of diverse activities. These activities help students understand the different attitudes and values of others and encourage friendships across the year levels.

Years K-6

In Kindergarten to Year 6, the class teacher is responsible for the wellbeing of their students and the direct contact for families. Specialist staff work directly with the class teacher for learning enrichment, support or the specific needs of each student.

Year 7-12

In Year 7 the Core Teachers also act as tutors to each student, playing a critical role in identifying and nurturing the interests, talents and needs of each student. The tutor communicates student progress or concerns directly with parents. Year 7 students are also allocated a House Tutorial Group which forms the basis of their pastoral care in Years 8 to 9. From Year 8 to Year 9, students remain in the same Tutorial Group with their tutor.

Years 10 to 12 sees students move into Senior Tutorial groups, with guidance from a coach. This group provides stability and consistency through the final schooling years.

Counselling Services

To support the health and wellbeing of all students, a specialist counsellor is available to assist students and their families in matters relating to their personal, academic and social wellbeing. The counsellor has an established network of support organisations and is able to provide advice on external service providers.

Character Education

Tutor Groups are an opportunity to develop character strengths such as grit, perseverance, humility, gratitude and integrity. The learning experience of the program ensures all students are included in tutor discussions and activities. Important wellbeing issues such as digital citizenship, peer pressure, bullying, as well as academic priorities such as goal setting, study skills and personalised targets for students to achieve are addressed during these sessions.
Our distinctive educational framework is built on the 'Our School' values:
Learning through Scholarship
Caring for Others and Self
Living a Faithful Life
Contributing to the Community
At Northholm Grammar, our commitment is based on our founding vision of a dynamic, caring school that fosters the worth of the individual, encourages academic and sporting excellence and promotes Christian values.
Northholm Grammar fosters a learning environment where students thrive and flourish in the committed pursuit of their personal best, continuous growth and achieving excellence. It is our intention to develop confident and compassionate students who are effective contributors to society, successful learners and responsible citizens.

Our approach to teaching is guided by a belief in ‘academic intentionality with pastoral attentiveness’, which means encouraging academic rigour and independent thinking alongside providing the support necessary for personal growth and development.

Northholm Grammar ensures that the focus is on learning and even more importantly the learner, so we are able to have conversations and develop plans that awaken a learner’s curiosity, discover inherent learning skills and master 21st century skills in the areas of reasoning, critical thinking and problem solving.

In our Primary Years (Kindergarten to Year 6), the curriculum is focused on developing the core skills of literacy and numeracy, learning critical and creative thinking, encouraging imagination and promoting independence.  In the Secondary Years (Years 7 to 12), students are encouraged to serve others, to find purpose and are instilled with the determination and character to succeed. In addition to the New South Wales Board of Studies mandatory subjects, students from Year 9 onwards are able to select from a broad range of electives to match their interests and talents.

We offer a range of tours to make it easy for you and your family to experience Northholm, from Personalised Tours to Open Days. If you are not able to attend one of the scheduled tours, connect with us to arrange a personalised tour at a time convenient to you.

Open Days
Northholm Grammar hosts two Open Days per year (usually March and October), inviting families to enjoy an in-depth experience of Northholm. Meet the teachers, connect with current students and explore the classrooms and facilities. Join us to learn more about the many opportunities Northholm offers our Kindergarten to Year 12 students. We would love to see you!

Principal's Tours
Principal’s Tours gives parents the opportunity to experience the School firsthand, get to know the Principal and learn more about our personalised learning alongside other parents.

Head of Enrolments Tours
If you can’t attend one of the Principal’s Tour dates, we have more group tour options available with our Head of Enrolments. Explore the idyllic campus with our Head of Enrolments to discover how Northholm can support your child achieve their personal best.

Kindy Personalised Tours and Kindy Classroom Tasters
Northholm Grammar offers personalised, small group tours of our Kindergarten and Early Years facilities. Be guided through our fit-for-purpose classroom and nature play areas, speak personally with our Principal Chris Bradbury and learn more about our Kindergarten to Year 2 philosophy.

Give your child the chance to get a taste of Kindergarten at Northholm with a Kindergarten Classroom Taster Session, held in conjunction with the Kindy Tours. For the hour-long session, our teachers will engage your child in fun activities, helping familiarise them in the School environment.


View upcoming dates and register at

Gifted and Talented Education
Northholm Grammar caters for the individual learning needs of all students including those with gifts and talents in all areas including, but not limited to, academic subjects, the creative arts, social and leadership skills and sporting interests. Included in the range of opportunities we provide are programs for unique groupings of students, multi-age classes, acceleration and extra support within the classroom.

Some students need to be extended beyond the core content, to work at higher levels demanding greater complexity of thought. They need challenge and freedom to explore, research and express themselves so that they can accomplish what they are truly capable of. Enrichment activities, an extensive co-curricular program and a range of clubs also provide opportunities for students to extend and enrich their learning experiences.


Curriculum Support
The Curriculum Support Team works closely with the teaching staff to ensure the individual needs of students are being catered for in the classroom from entry to Year 12. Their role is to provide in-class support, small group withdrawal and individual tuition in the areas of literacy and numeracy. The Curriculum Support Team also provides teaching staff with student profiles which outline individual students’ learning needs and teaching strategies best suited to meet these needs.

Student progress is monitored closely and appropriate intervention is provided as necessary. Personalised Education Plans (PEPs) are put in place for students needing an adjusted program. These are reviewed regularly, generally each term. Special provisions for examinations and assessment tasks are organised in conjunction with the Board of Studies for students who require additional assistance. Our comprehensive approach and focus on the individual help ensure that our students’ needs are consistently met.



We’re Closer Than You Think

Northholm is situated on a picturesque 10 hectares which provides students with the space and opportunity to flourish. Northholm connects to Castle Hill, Hornsby, Galston, Berowra, Rouse Hill and more within an easy drive of 25 minutes or less. Bus services through Transport NSW link the School with surrounding suburbs, the Hills and Hornsby Shires and the Pennant Hills and Beecroft stations. In addition, Northholm operates a private bus service in the Kellyville/Rouse Hill, The Gables, Pitt Town and The Ponds area every morning and afternoon.
View our detailed transport link information and download the Bus Routes Brochure here:
If your child has achieved exceptional results in academics, is a talented all-rounder or displays outstanding music ability, then their needs can be nurtured with a scholarship at Northholm. 
Welcoming students from all backgrounds, Northholm has a limited number of scholarships covering full or partial tuition fees for students entering Year 5, Year 7 and Year 11. Scholarships are open to both new and continuing students who demonstrate a strong work ethic and whose place at Northholm will benefit themselves, the School and the community.

Academic Scholarships

Northholm Grammar seeks students who strive for excellence, are instilled with the determination and self-discipline to succeed and who achieve exceptional academic results. In addition to the results of ACER testing, applicants for the Academic Scholarship must demonstrate high academic achievement by submitting evidence such as school reports, State or National competition certificates, external portfolios or other recent documents.

Music Scholarships

Talented music students are invited to explore their creativity, supported by a caring team, by applying for a Music Scholarship. Applicants must audition at the School as well as meeting the prerequisites and completing the ACER scholarship test.

Year 7 – Students must be at a Grade 5 or above (AMEB, Trinity or equivalent) for Brass/Wind/Strings/Percussion or Voice. Year 7 scholarships may be tenable for the duration of the student’s high school life.

Year 11 – All students applying for Year 11 Music Scholarships should have achieved a Grade 7 or above  for Brass/Wind/Strings/Percussion or Voice. Year 11 Music Scholarships are tenable for two years until graduation.

All Round Achievement
For students who display not only outstanding academic results, but also demonstrate excellence in at least two other non-academic fields, the All Round Achievement Scholarship provides an opportunity to experience a Northholm education. Fields can include, but are not limited to, the Performing or Visual Arts, Debate and Public Speaking, Sport, Leadership, Christian Service or Community Service. Applicants should submit evidence including school reports, certificates, portfolios or other recent documents as well as sitting the ACER exam.


Applicants are required to sit an ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) scholarship test, in addition to meeting the specific criteria in each category listed below. All scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the Principal and subject to annual review.

Scholarship registrations for 2025 entry are now closed.  

Registrations for Year 5, Year 7 and Year 11 entry in 2026 will open in September 2024.

To enquire further about Scholarships at Northholm, please call the Head of Enrolments on 9656 2000 or email

The School reserves the right to not award scholarships if suitable applicants are not found.


During the past few years, Northholm Grammar has focused on Literacy and Numeracy, which has translated into an overall improvement in these domains.

The School has been increasing the focus on reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy. We are seeing an improvement in our student’s performance with all domains moving into the above and well above categories compared to other schools in the State. This has been made evident in our HSC results in Humanities and Mathematics courses, and other measures that track student progress, such as Allwell testing and our internal assessments.

The 2023 NAPLAN results are available on the My School website:


Senior Secondary outcomes

It is with a great sense of pride we announce that Northholm Grammar is ranked 45 in Sydney Morning Herald's New South Wales standings of best performing Schools in the HSC for the second time in three years.
Other excellent Higher School Certificate Examinations results in 2023 include:

  • 64 Honourable Mentions on the NSW Distinguished Achievers list (Band 6 results).
  • 85.7% of students gained at least one Band 5 or Band 6.
  • 100% of courses achieved above State Average marks.
  • 56% of students gained at least one Band 6 or equivalent.
  • 2 students on the All-round achievers list
  • Every student in Drama achieved an Individual and Group OnStage nomination
  • Northholm Grammar was 13th in NSW for Mathematics Standard
  • 100% of students achieved Band 6 results in French Continuers, Music 1 and Mathematics Extension 1
  • 11 students achieved an ATAR over 90
  • Northholm’s highest ATAR was 99.80, achieved by Calum Fraser (School Captain and Dux of Year 12).

Read more here: Northholm Grammar HSC 2023 results

Northholm students are encouraged to explore a variety of opportunities for their post-school life. Students have access to a dynamic online information service with links to a diverse range of tertiary education providers, as well as individual counselling and mentorship to help them find their purpose and passions in life.

Students at Northholm participate in Morrisby Career Testing, an internationally renowned online assessment which provides objective and impartial career advice based upon a series of psychometric testing. The test helps students clarify their strengths and find the pathways and opportunities that align with their interests and future goals.

The School also runs a very successful Work Experience Program for Year 10s to help students determine senior subject choices and post school course and career options.

For students interested in vocational courses, Northholm offers opportunities to study Primary Industries or to undertake a course within the Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE.


  Alannah Trestrail

The range of co-curricular and leadership opportunities at Northholm have been especially beneficial in helping to build my confidence as an individual to the stage that, in my final year,  I am loving being School captain and representing the School, something I never thought would or could happen. I have always felt supported by my teachers and peers, there is a really strong sense of community at Northholm.

I have genuinely strong relationships with all my teachers as the classes are not too large. My teachers know me personally; my strengths, weaknesses and everything necessary to help me do well, which is so important in my HSC year. I feel confident that I am being prepared to do my best which definitely helps reduce any stress I feel from time to time in my final year.

I love the strong sense of community; everyone can feel comfortable being themselves at Northholm. I also love the range of opportunities at Northholm across the board for a variety of interests and just the natural environment that we can be immersed in every day.

 Alannah Trestrail
Year 12 School Captain 2019

  Banjo Lorenz

I love the feeling of community at Northholm. I feel that when I leave my family in the morning to come to school I am coming to my other, much bigger family.

I really like knowing everyone. The small class sizes are great and as one of the School Captains I have got to know many more students in all the other year groups. With the Junior School on the same campus as the Senior School I’m also getting to know some of these students too.

I have an amazing teacher who is so passionate about us learning that it’s impossible not to be excited about learning too. He is our classroom teacher but we also have specialist teachers for Drama, Library, Music, Sport and Visual Arts. I feel like there is so much variety of subjects here that it is exciting to come to school every day.

 Banjo Lorenz
Year 6 Junior School Captain 2019

Learn more about Northholm Grammar's activities and achievements by keeping up to date on our News page here:


Joel Cassar Alum Porfile pic

2019 Graduate Joel Cassar heads to Western Sydney University to study Medicine. 

Following a successful final year, Northholm Grammar alumnus Joel Cassar has taken the next steps towards his goal of becoming a doctor by beginning a degree in Medicine at Western Sydney University this year. At Northholm, Joel was a School Prefect and scored a brilliant ATAR of 97.30., achieving Band 6 results in Mathematics Extension I, Mathematics Extension II, and Chemistry and scoring high Band 5 results in both English Advanced and Physics.    

"After graduating from Northholm Grammar, I am currently studying a Doctor of Medicine degree at WSU and hoping to eventually specialise as an oncologist”, Joel says. “I am also looking forward to working for several years after graduation in rural Australia as part of a special program that helps to meet the demand for doctors in areas which have workforce shortages.” 

Joel fondly recalls his time at Northholm Grammar and values highly the constant reinforcement he received regarding the importance of setting goals, aiming high and working tirelessly to achieve his aspirations.  

“While at Northholm I enjoyed the small classes sizes and subsequent academic support available to me from the teachers. I also really enjoyed the variety of leadership opportunities available to me toward the end of my time at school.” 

Joel developed a hardworking approach to his studies, with an emphasis on improving and being consistently responsive to the feedback provided by his teachers. These methods, as well as forging strong study relationships with his peers, proved to be a catalyst for success.     

“The best advice I can give to students sitting the HSC is definitely to maximise your use of past papers. They are an invaluable resource in the lead up to the final exams. Even if you don’t have time to actually complete the past paper, quickly reading through the given answers can often be just as valuable.” 

If you are interested in employment opportunities at our school please visit the following page:

From the Principal

Northholm Grammar School is a vibrant and supportive environment where young people can develop the knowledge, skills and personal attributes they need to live a rich and purposeful life as future global citizens. While our students enjoy the benefits offered through personalised learning and the tranquil nature of our semi-rural location, we are profoundly aware of our responsibility to ensure they are prepared for life. Northholm is strongly committed to the growth and success of each student both in school and beyond, ensuring their wellbeing in a caring, supportive and nurturing community.

As a school that supports Christian values we actively encourage our students to be generous in nature, tolerant in thought and compassionate in action. Our students have the ability to develop caring, sensitive relationships based on strong self-discipline which enables them to not only withstand the many negative influences which our modern society holds up as worthwhile, but also to see the shallowness of these influences. We recognise the critical importance of preparing young people with a holistic education so they can flourish academically, socially, physically, culturally and spiritually.

Our teachers are dedicated, passionate, motivated and inspirational educators with expertise in curriculum and relationship building capacity. They are actively involved in the many different aspects of school life and support our students experientially in diverse environments where risk is acknowledged and managed for authentic growth to occur, through both failure and success in building resilience, curiosity and courage. This approach is fundamental to the nature of our dynamic and innovative context, where teaching and learning is informed and shaped by the latest thinking in education and students are prepared for the realities of life in our world beyond school. Northholm firmly believes that the best learning occurs in an environment where students are happy, known and supported by staff who demonstrate expertise and dedication in fields whilst promoting high standards and expectations.

Teachers and students are supported by parents in this three cornered partnership which has personal best as its ultimate aim. Distinctive people, values, learning spaces and experiences distinguish a Northholm education to that of its competitors. Parents and schools need to be at one in keeping school education anchored in values which promote true human dignity of the person and which help to build a just and caring society. We provide regular opportunities for parents to meet with tutors and classroom teachers to celebrate their children’s achievements and discuss their changing needs through our pastoral care structure and school communication systems. The strong sense of community that is built through these practices is further supported by opportunities for parents to interact with other members of the school community at both school events and social group activities.

In considering Northholm as your school of choice for the education of your children, know that they will be respected for who they are and valued for what they can achieve. At Northholm, young people become successful, confident and articulate individuals with a strong sense of commitment to each other, to their community, to those who are less fortunate and to the natural environment.

I look forward to welcoming you to Northholm and sharing our exciting vision for the future as a place of quality education for all.

Christopher Bradbury, Principal


 Keep up to date with news at Northholm here



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Northholm Grammar School - Arcadia NSW

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