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A respected coeducational non-denominational Christian P-12 school with world-class facilities, outstanding curriculum program, exceptional teachers and superb surroundings.
97 Dundas Street West
Brisbane East
07 3821 8999
Redland City
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ORMISTON COLLEGE - Headmaster's Tour
Thu May 01 @ 9:00AM - 10:45AM [32 Days to go]
ORMISTON COLLEGE - Headmaster's Tour
Thu Jun 12 @ 9:00AM - 10:45AM [74 Days to go]

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Brett Webster
  • Early Learning
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  • Primary - Year 12 School
  • ELC-12 Campus
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Prep - Year 12, Early Learning Centre
Non-denominational Christian
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  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Aerobics
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  • Cross Country Running
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  • Hockey (field)
  • Netball
  • Rugby Union
  • Sailing
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Touch Football
  • Volleyball
Ormiston College aims to nurture and encourage enthusiasm for and commitment to the pursuit of lifelong learning. Moreover, our Mission Statement clearly indicates that Ormiston College is an academic school, seeking to achieve academic excellence. Through the implementation of the Australian Curriculum and the adoption of a comprehensive teaching and learning framework, we aim to create a seamless curriculum focused on developing transferable skills. Learning across all year levels and subjects throughout the College is further supported by our strong focus on achieving high levels of literacy and numeracy. Teachers at all year levels ensure that there is continuity of learning by using our Teaching and Learning Framework, as it provides a common language that students, teachers and parents can use to communicate and share their understanding of quality teaching and learning. This framework supports students in acquiring thinking processes which can be used in any subject and used meaningfully in real life situations. Our aim is to move beyond traditional approaches of reproducing knowledge and equip our students with the ability to choose the best strategies to help them solve problems, make decisions, generate explanations and create new understandings. The framework, along with our strong emphasis on using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to improve learning outcomes, assists our students in embracing new ways of thinking in the 21st century.
Our Early Learning Centre - Affectionately named, 'Puggles Burrow', the Ormiston College Early Learning Centre provides children from 15 months to 5 years with a safe, nurturing, and fun environment designed to enhance their early development. Known for its excellent facilities and resources, the centre provides quality, safe and friendly care and is a great foundation for future learning.

Science Centre – The science centre provides five Biology and Chemistry Science Laboratories and a dry Physics Science Laboratory affording outstanding opportunities for pursuing a range of science-based subjects.

Centre for Learning Innovation – The CLI is the hub for our community of learners: it is an intersection where people and information collide and evolve. Our CLI is a library of the future and a community hub, not merely a holding area for books. The focus is on ‘flexible space’ and the creation of an environment that is conducive to student interaction and collaborative learning. ‘Makerspaces’, sometimes referred to as hackspaces or fablabs, are innovative creative DIY spaces where students gather to create, invent and learn. There are 3D printers, software, electronics, craft, hardware tools and much more, with easily moveable furniture capable of quick reconfiguration to support different kinds of activity.

Information Communication Technology – Preparing our students for work in the 21st century workplace requires ICT proficiency. Our College uses modern ICT devices in combination with 21st century skills taught within our classrooms. All learning areas are appointed with suitable, modern and innovative ICT devices. Starting in our early years, our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students all use the latest iPad technology to assist their learning. Then, in each Year 3 to Year 6 there are a bank of 15 hybrid tablet/laptops featuring an electronic pen that enables high level input on various tasks and activities providing better learning compared to traditional keyboard and mouse devices. From Year 7 until the end of Year 12, students are provided with their own hybrid laptop, that they can use in the classroom and take home, ensuring they have the right technology tools for learning whenever they are needed.

The College also has a rich set of multimedia devices. Every classroom in Junior school features an interactive whiteboard and speakers for use with various educational software and e-Learning tasks. In Middle and Senior school every teaching space has a projector and speakers. The whole College is covered with wireless access so that as many ICT devices as possible can be used wirelessly, this enables true collaboration between staff and students throughout the campus. The Centre for Learning and Innovation has MediaScape lounges where students can connect their laptops and work collaboratively with other students in a relaxed setting.

The College also caters for the production of assignment work with students having access to photocopiers where they can scan and digitize content, copy and print assignments in rich colour and up to A3 sized paper; there are also digital still and video cameras available for loan from the CLI. Students through their enrollment are allowed to access and install at no extra cost the Microsoft Office productivity suite for use on any computer or laptop they may use the home.

Support for all of this technology is provided by the College’s own ICT Helpdesk located in the CLI. All equipment is regularly maintained and students and parents can visit or call the ICT Services for any questions relating to the technology and ICT Services provided by the College.

The Lingo Lin Performing Arts Theatre features a 13 x 9 metre stage, the latest staging technology, drama studio, and individual music rooms.

The Somerset Sports Centre provides first-class facilities for basketball, netball, badminton and volleyball, fully equipped gymnasium, and multi-purpose rooms for dance, aerobics, and other programs and houses the Ormiston Private Health Club.

The Marsson Aquatic Centre is a 25 metre heated swimming pool and complex.

Because Some Skills Can’t Be Learned in the Classroom, while strong academic performance is important, at Ormiston College private school we believe an individual’s social skills and self-confidence are just as important for success. Not every student is successful in each aspect of school life, but our broad co-curricular program encourages students to recognise their talents and to enjoy genuine success and growth in self-confidence. Our team programs teach the importance of individual performance and commitment to the whole, while also helping students learn how to strive to achieve ‘personal bests’ and to both win and lose with grace. Of course having fun is also important. Students can choose from music, drama, debating, leadership programs and from an extensive list of individual performance and team sporting activities including: Music Tuition, Aerobics, Speech, Drama, Dance, the Duke of Edinburgh Award, Debating Club, Fitness Club, Chess, Public Speaking, Environmental Committee, Social Justice Committee, Sailing, Swimming Club, Biennial Musical, Tennis Tuition, Drama Club, Art Club, Robotics Club, Titration, Cultural Committee, the Academic Committee, and a program of cultural exchange, excursions, camps and overseas and national tours.

Ormiston College has an outstanding reputation for providing its students with quality private education. Ormiston College is an independent, non-denominational Christian school with a strong record of achievement not only academically but also through an extensive range of cultural and sporting pursuits.
Although the College’s world-class facilities and beautiful Brisbane Bayside setting make an immediate impression, it's the Ormiston College community and their commitment to positive outcomes for every student that sets our school apart.
Our College community supports, encourages, and acknowledges each person’s honest commitment to do his or her best, in a welcoming safe environment of mutual respect and dignity.
In a friendly, non-denominational Christian independent school environment we take a holistic approach to developing the spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, aesthetic, emotional, and physical skills of our students.
We actively promote the value of learning, as we believe that learning how to learn is as important as learning content and skills.
We understand and recognise the differences, the similarities, and the strengths which each girl and boy has. We guide them and teach them to explore, to strive for success, and to take on their dreams with confidence and compassion so they may go out into the community as leaders.

At Ormiston College, we provide permanent, on-campus pastoral support and guidance for students and their parents. Our pastoral care program focuses on students’ social, emotional, behavioural and spiritual wellbeing and builds their capacity to meet the challenges faced during and beyond their school years. Each form teacher is supported by a Student Support Services Team comprising two counsellors and the Year Level Coordinators.

Ormiston College is an independent, coeducational, non-denominational Christian school seeking to achieve academic excellence.

Ormiston College aims to nurture and encourage enthusiasm for and commitment to the pursuit of lifelong learning. The College is committed to providing holistic, integrated educational programs that develop problem-solving, decision-making, critical and creative thinking skills to enable students to participate as confident and contributing members of society, capable of meeting the demands of a rapidly changing world.

The College affirms individual differences and actively promotes cultural and intellectual understanding and the development of physical skills of each member of the school community. The provision of challenging opportunities for development of character, responsibility, initiative and integrity, social awareness and good citizenship is a priority in the College.
Principal's Image

Welcome! Ormiston College is not just a respected coeducational non-denominational Christian P-12 school with world-class facilities, outstanding curriculum program, exceptional teachers and superb surroundings.

It's far more than that. Being part of Ormiston College is about belonging to the College community, about being a part of a proud history of achievement and commitment to excellence, about friendship and belonging, and it's about taking pride in your school and yourself.

When students graduate from Ormiston College, they leave with more than an excellent private education; they leave with a sense of achievement, confidence, and self-respect.

We prepare your child for life in all its richness.

Brett Webster

Microsoft recognises Ormiston College as a world leader in education


Ormiston College 21st Century Learning

Ormiston College has been identified as one of a select number of global schools of excellence by Microsoft in Education Worldwide and is now recognised as an Associate Microsoft Showcase School. Senior Worldwide Education Manager, Mark Sparvell, based in Seattle and Richard Ryan, Manager of the Australian Partners in Learning, are working alongside Ormiston College during its formal Association status.

The College is now fully engaged in the Microsoft program of capacity building, global networking and processing, to facilitate education transformation.

Full Showcase status

Currently there are only six Microsoft Showcase Schools throughout Australia that are recognised for creating whole-school innovative learning environments that promote student-driven learning, qualifying them as global leaders among an elite group of leading-edge schools from around the world. The association creates a pathway for Ormiston College to be recognised in its own right with full Showcase status.

These schools will be driven to develop transferable learning-how-to-learn capabilities in their students, along with new skillsets and new mindsets relevant to the digital, interconnected and ever-changing decades ahead.

Strategic focus on innovation

The College’s Strategic Direction has been well documented and for the past decade the commitment to technological transformation needed to drive learning programs for the students of tomorrow is evident.  Headmaster, Brett Webster said that quality learning enabled by modern technology has been a prime focus at Ormiston College for 10 years, adding that he is extremely proud of the way teachers have embraced exciting new approaches to learning, noting that the student response has been phenomenal.  

In 2014, Ormiston College received the National Computelec Expanding Learning Horizons Award for Innovation. At the time it was said of the school, “Commitment to innovation is embedded in everything they do.”

Learning Innovations Leaders

The College has an engaged Learning Innovations Leadership Committee who work to motivate the entire staff in successfully taking on the challenges of 21st century teaching and learning.  All staff have enthusiastically embraced these exciting new approaches to teaching. 

Representing Australia

Ormiston College's Dean of eLearning, Tamara Sullivan, a Microsoft Innovation Education Expert, was one of six educators selected to represent Australia at the Microsoft Global Educator Exchange (E2) that was held in Seattle in April – an annual event where the most innovative educators gather from around the world to exchange cutting edge ideas aimed at having a global impact on educational practices.  Ms Sullivan has also been invited to sit on the panel at the Edutech Conference to be held in Brisbane in June.  Edutech is the largest educational congress and technical expo held in the Southern Hemisphere, with over 8,000 attendees.  

Academic programs manager for Microsoft Australia, Jane Mackarell, said “Teachers like Ms Sullivan were transforming learning environments and delivering more personalized education to students, allowing them to do and achieve more, using technology to increase students' productivity and learning.”

See our learning in action

Next Level learning video link

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Expert Educators ready to put Australia on the world stage

Preparing kids for today’s tech-centric world – at Ormiston College

Preparing students for a tech-centric world

College showcases technology

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