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As a Catholic secondary school in the Dominican Tradition we are committed to the education of young women. At San Sisto College, we believe there is no compromise in the pursuit of excellence.
97 Mayfield Road
97 Mayfield Road
Carina, Brisbane
97 Mayfield Road Carina Qld 4152
Brisbane East, Brisbane South
07 3900 9800

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Thu Jun 12 @ 9:00AM - 10:30AM [92 Days to go]
Thu Aug 21 @ 9:00AM - 10:30AM [162 Days to go]
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Women of Integrity Shaping the Future
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Mr Warren Bath
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Years 7-12
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  • Volleyball

We are specialists in all-girls education, passionate about our students experiencing success, and in empowering young women to shape the future.

As partners with the University of Queensland, we are leaders in Critical Thinking Pedagogy where our students are taught to think, to question, to reason, to analyse, to challenge. We know from academic research that, historically, girls are under-practiced at these skills… and so San Sisto girls are taught to think critically. These skills set our students up for excellence in learning, success at university and in the workplace, giving them confidence for active citizenship, social awareness, change making, and leadership - so that they may become women of integrity shaping the future.



A Catholic learning community founded in 1961 in the 800-year-old Dominican tradition, San Sisto College shapes and challenges the heart, mind, and spirit of each young woman through the lived experience of the Gospel and the principle of Veritas (truth). We value personal achievement and excellence in an environment founded in the Dominican principles (or pillars) of Community, Study, Prayer, and Service where young women flourish.

As leaders in *Critical Thinking Pedagogy, our students are taught to think, paving the way for success in a tertiary environment or the workplace, and in active citizenship, change making, and leadership, so that our students may become Women of Integrity Shaping the Future. San Sisto College provides a nurturing, challenging, and innovative educational experience with a key emphasis on health and wellbeing to support our students individually, catering for all learning styles.


The classroom curriculum at San Sisto aims to be responsive to girls' needs to best meet the challenges of the complex society of our times.

Subjects in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 are framed by the Queensland Key Learning syllabuses and are designed and taught to meet the particular needs of young women. We have focused classes for students who require extra assistance and for those who wish to be extended.

Students in Year 9 complete one year of Information Communication & Technologies unless prerequisite skills can be demonstrated.

Several of our Year 10 subjects form the basis of Senior School subjects - providing girls the opportunity to test their aptitude in particular areas.

All Year 10 students complete a Certificate in Work Education.

We offer an extensive range of senior subjects, including several that are vocationally based, and for which students are awarded Certificates I, II, or III, on successful completion.

Both Italian and Japanese languages are taught to Year 12, and overseas excursions to Italy and Japan ensures that these subjects are both popular and of a high standard.

All students are trained in understanding their modal preference for learning, using the VARK methodology.
We maintain a safe, healthy, and sustainable campus environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors with a combination of new and existing facilities that support the evolving needs of our College community. Built environment and green spaces echo southern European design and architecture, in recognition of our Dominican heritage. We love our beautiful, purposeful campus!

Our Siena Centre provides a superb space for learning, performing arts, sport and fitness, with state of the art audio visual and lighting equipment. Adjacent to the Siena Centre are our two multipurpose outdoor courts which cater for a wide range of sports including netball, volleyball, and tennis.

Our Albertine Science Precinct includes science laboratories, a prep room and the science courtyard.

Our Caesarini building includes two general learning areas, two flexible learning areas, a catering facility, and a home economics classroom, commercial kitchen and dining room.

Our Angelico Creative Arts Centre is a superb creative art space with clay ovens, a performance facility and music studios.

The re-development of our Dominic Building further enhanced student learnings in robotics, media and communications technologies, science, learning support and physical enrichment, into the future.?

The presence of the WELL (our Centre for Wellbeing) is just one part of a whole-of-college initiative which complements curriculum, study and support initiatives, our physical and spiritual enrichment programs, career support, meditative prayer and our Catholic ethos and Dominican charism, in offering a place of integration. Its ethos is central to our community. Students at San Sisto College head to the centre to support and enhance their ongoing academic, social and emotional, physical, spiritual and cognitive wellbeing.
Broaden Your Horizons with Co-curricular Activities at San Sisto College
We support a holistic approach to learning and offer our students a great range of co-curricular activities to complement our formal curriculum. 
Co-curricular activities are an important part of a young woman’s development, providing them opportunities to further shape their identity, approach new challenges, develop and apply skills in different contexts, make new relationships and develop soft skills such as teamwork and collaboration, manage stress, and use their own time in productive experiences that may extend beyond their adolescent years.  Sometimes students can really find their “true north” in co-curricular activities!
In addition to an excellent selection of Sport and Music opportunities, as well as our wonderful biennial musicals.

Religion classrooms at San Sisto College are vibrant and engaging spaces where teachers encourage philosophical thought, develop understanding of rituals and prayers, nurture an appreciation for diversity, inspire a passion for mission, grow a love for the Gospel and aid students to apply Christian values and beliefs to today's world. 

Religious Education at San Sisto College is organised around the Brisbane Archdiocesan Model for Religious Education (2013, p.11). This model illustrates the distinct and complementary roles of the classroom teaching of the learning area Religious Education and the Religious Life of the College.  San Sisto College offers the Brisbane Archdiocesan Religious Education Curriculum from Years 7-10 and the choice of Study of Religion or Religion and Ethics in Years 11 and 12. These are both Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority subjects and may contribute to their ATAR.?

The vision for Religious Education at San Sisto College is based on the B?risbane Archdiocesan vision:

The schools and colleges of the Archdiocese of Brisbane aspire to educate and form students who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and who are literate in the Catholic and broader Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith contexts and wider society.

As a Catholic Christian community, we educate all to live the gospel of Jesus Christ as successful, creative, and confident, active, and informed learners empowered to shape and enrich our world.

Our values are founded on the Gospel of Jesus and we explicitly teach these through our Habits of Spirit program. We also welcome students of all faiths and backgrounds.

At San Sisto we value:
• Truth
• Joy
• Faith and Prayer
• Justice and Compassion
• Community and Service
• A love of Learning

Our community spirit is incredibly strong, and we highly value the engagement of parents, supporters and the wider community in the life of the college.

We believe in the centrality of the relationship between each young girl and God. The formation of a strong spirituality is essential for her wellbeing, and we foster this within an environment that is rich in its expression of prayer, service to others and justice for all. We believe that learning and wellbeing are inextricably linked.
Living our vision of people of integrity who are empowered to:
• Seek and appreciate excellence and beauty
• Seek and proclaim Truth
• Seek connectedness with God and others
• Respect self, others and all God’s creation
• Engage passionately with life and learning
• Live in hope.

We believe that integrity lies at the intersection of our values, time and action
Our mission is to encourage our past students to participate actively in the San Sisto community: to attend events, to network with each other, to volunteer, to create new ways for past students to stay connected to San Sisto, and to contribute to the wider community.

Our vision is to involve the greatest possible number of past students with the college on an annual basis by creating a range of events that past students will seek to remain engaged with each other and the college.

Our aim is to create a dynamic past student networking program that will stimulate interest, build loyalty, increase involvement and generate support for the college.

Consistent with the core values of truth, joy, hope, compassion, and justice; the college wishes to provide past students with meaningful opportunities to:
• Continue the process of life-long learning;
• Assist and advance past students and their pursuit of excellence;
• Foster and commit to achieving our vision of 'Women of integrity shaping the future';
• Strengthen ties to growing relationships with other past students;
• Support other past students’ lives and careers; and
• Serve the college, God, other past students, current students and the community as a whole

Habits of Mind and Spirit

Dimension 5 of the Dimensions of Learning framework is Habits of Mind.

There are numerous "habits" that could assist our learners. We have chosen to implement the16 Habits of Mind based on the work of Arthur Costa and Bena Kallick . For more information about these habits, visit

Consistent with and emanating from our College Vision and Values Statement, we also emphasise 16 "Habits of Spirit".



We invite you to visit the college and uncover what the college is really like through one of our Open Days or Visitor Days. We encourage you to speak to our students and teachers to hear their honest opinion of what they love about San Sisto. This one-on-one opportunity will only reinforce the warmth and close relationships we have with our girls – we care.

You will also get a first-hand view of our beautiful college campus. Take the time to visit our facilities to see what we are so proud about. Remember your daughter will be spending a long time with us on her journey – to become a happy, confident and successful young woman.

We believe that your daughter matters; so excellence is not compromised.

If you are unable to attend our Open Day, the college will be conducting college tours during each school term. Please check the college website for announcements closer to the dates.

Please email the college at to register.


 San Sisto College Open Day




For up-to-date timetable and service information on the following bus routes, visit:

Bus Route 5165 afternoon
Bus Route 5088 morning
Bus Route 5081 morning and afternoon












San Sister (Student) Testimonials

"I love the supportive people, the English department and the many wonderful opportunities here. The generous nature of the school was present from my first day when the student leaders gave us their time to help us out with the transition from primary to high school." Year 8 Student

"I love the caring nature of the teachers and staff - they genuinely care about the students." Year 10 Student

"I love the nurturing, spiritual community. I love that our whole cohort is repectful towards one another   and towards the grounds and staff too. As we are about to start senior school, we are grateful for the range of subject choices that cater for and help develop our individual passions and allow us to create ourselves." Year 10 Student

"I love the supportive community, the welcoming students and the wide range of activities, which is great for getting involved." Year 11 Student

"I love the musicals. I love being involved. I also love Home Economics which is one of my favourite subjects - cooking, sewing, everything to do with the subject." Year 11 Student

"I love the friendships and the teachers most. I love the closeness of the school." Year 11 Student

"I love that particularly in senior years you're able to develop a personal relationship with your teachers, both in and out of the classroom. Being an Art student, I am forever grateful for the resources and facilities which the college provides, including the constant encouragement from the teachers." Year 12 Student

"I love the fun atmosphere, even in class and around the grounds, and the good times spent with my friends. Our teachers are great and very encouraging in regards to the academia side of things." Year 12 Student

"I love the strong sense of justice. I have learnt that you can do anything in the world, when you set your mind to it." Year 12 Student



Excellence in Leadership Award Win for San Sisto College

Queensland educators have been acknowledged for their educational advancements and leadership at the annual Brisbane Catholic Education Excellence in Teaching Awards on Thursday 15 June 2017. Cara Robinson-Taylor, San Sisto College’s Languages Academic Leader won the prestigious category award for Excellence in Leadership for Learning and Teaching.

Finalists representing many schools, and their guests, gathered at Victoria Park Golf Club to witness Archbishop Mark Coleridge and BCE Executive Director Pam Betts present each award and congratulate the winners.

Other worthy San Sisto College finalists also recognized for their achievements in the team awards category included Brad Barker, Cara Robinson-Taylor, Richard Yaxley, Kym Trew and Judy McDonald.

Shelley Hamilton, San Sisto College Principal, said “We are extremely proud of the innovations in educational excellence recognised in the Brisbane Catholic Education Excellence in Teaching Awards on Thursday night. These amazing teachers have been driving this initiative within our school for the past two years.

The team was formed in 2016 in response to the Brisbane Catholic Educations DELT initiative (Delivering Excellent Learning and Teaching Strategy). From the onset, the team recognised the need for a consistent and unified approach to the implementation of the Excellence in Learning and Teaching – Moving Forward strategy within the College.

A number of strategies were developed and successfully implemented throughout the College in order to ensure consistency. These included posters, cards and templates to promote visible learning in prominent areas in classrooms; weekly learning walks and talks as priorities in the timetable; constant analysis of data collected not only from student testing, but also from classroom observations; and review and response meetings conducted about individual students. A range of professional development sessions were delivered to ensure the upskilling of staff. ‘Bump it up models’ were clarified and refined and the strategic approach to using line of sight documents across the college was mandated. Professional development sessions were also conducted in the Writing Monitoring Tool to upskill staff in the marking of the tool and thus reducing in-school variation and ensuring the consistency of the data collection. The team recognised that communication with parents and the wider community about the initiative was imperative to ensure that parents were best able to support their daughters at home.

“I am so proud of the collaborative culture that has been cultivated within the College from within that has ensured the ‘buy-in’ from staff and our entire community that has ensured the successful implementation of this project. This has been one of the major success of the team; without all the stakeholders willingly supporting this initiative, it would not have enjoyed the success that it has within our College and to have received recognition by the Brisbane Catholic Education Excellence in Teaching Awards committee,” said Shelley Hamilton.

Welcome to San Sisto College and thank you for taking the time to visit us online. We are specialists in all-girls education, passionate about our students experiencing success, and in empowering young women to shape the future. As partners with the University of Queensland, we are leaders in Critical Thinking Pedagogy where our students are taught to think, to question, to reason, to analyse, to challenge. We know from academic research that, historically, girls are under-practiced at these skills… and so San Sisto girls are taught to think critically. These skills set our students up for excellence in learning, success at university and in the workplace, giving them confidence for active citizenship, social awareness, change making, and leadership - so that they may become women of integrity shaping the future. Our strong practice in tailoring teaching to the needs of the individual better assists girls to engage in successful learning where they find and develop their strongest skills and qualities. We know that this is a critical part of their mental, physical, social, and spiritual wellbeing. We believe in a psychologically safe school culture where our students should: Feel cared about personally; Feel able to speak freely and candidly; Believe that their ideas will be listened to and taken seriously; Feel free to admit that they do not know or understand something; Be unafraid to make mistakes. Founded in 1961 in the 800-year-old Dominican tradition, San Sisto College shapes and challenges the heart, mind, and spirit of each young woman through the lived experience of the Gospel and the principle of Veritas (truth). We know that education is both for life and about life and we value personal achievement and excellence in an environment founded in the Dominican principles (or pillars) of Community, Study, Prayer, and Service. I believe San Sisto is a great option for innovative learning and teaching in a smaller, close-knit college where our students are recognised, nurtured, and celebrated as individuals. Please don’t hesitate to book a tour, attend our Open Evening, or speak to our Registrar for more information. I look forward to welcoming you and your daughter to San Sisto. Mr Warren Bath
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