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St Mark's Anglican Community School - Art Show

START DATE: Friday, 11 October 2019


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St Mark's Anglican Community School - Hillarys WA

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 St Mark's Anglican Community School - Hillarys WA

St Mark's Anglican Community School - Art Show

St Mark's Art Show

The St Mark Art Exhibition is a long standing tradition of our School. It focuses on local artists and is a highly respected event in the local Art Community, and is  traditionally held on the last weekend of the October school holidays. As well as being a very successful community event, the Art Exhibition is a key contributor of funds to the P&F.

Showcasing some great local artists in our community, the 2019 Exhibition takes place from Friday 11 October to Sunday 13 October. 

Artist registrations are now open. Please download the Registration Form (includes Terms & Conditions), and submit as soon as possible to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Entries will close once 420 artworks are registered. 

For all the latest information, please visit the Art Show's Facebook page.

The St Mark's Art Show was the vision of the late Mrs Robyn Sheehan, a foundation parent of St Mark's in 1985. It was Robyn's idea to formulate the Art Show as a cultural and social event for the School which would also assist with fundraising. Not all of the enthusiastic members on the original committee were familiar with the work involved but they had a lot of fun learning! The Committee had a limited budget and put a lot of  effort in to get the inaugural exhibition off the ground. The founding committee’s efforts were rewarded with a wonderful and successful opening night and weekend.

The success of the event ensure that the Art Show has remained a permanent fixture on the School's calendar.  Each year, the show has grown in stature and quality, establishing a good reputation among local artists, potters, buyers and the WA art community.

The Art Show owes its success to the hard work and dedication of the parent volunteers on the Art Show Committee. The committee  of willing parents who meet once a month and attend to all aspects of the exhibition. Headed by a coordinator, areas such as advertising, treasury, artist registry, ticket sales, catering, signage, screens, music, security and sponsorship are all covered.

All this hard work is combined to present a major exhibition that attracts high quality art in different mediums from all over Western Australia. The show also brings outside visitors to the School and raises money for the P&F Association, which in turn benefits the students at St Mark's.

Every year the Art Show Committee secures a well-known and successful guest artist who is asked to exhibit a number of pieces of their work (usually around 8 to 12 pieces).

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any queries regarding the upcoming event. To download a copy of the Artist Registration form, please click on the button below. 

Follow the Art Show on Facebook


St Mark's WA art show 2019.jpg

St Mark's Anglican Community School
St Marks Drive
Hillarys WA 6025



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