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Silkwood School
For over 25 years, the Silkwood Way has provided a unique, real-world learning approach, nurturing each student’s passions and building skills for life. Our personalised pathways inspire growth, creativity, and a lifelong love of learning.
39 Shepherd Hill Lane
PO Box 372, Nerang Qld 4211
Gold Coast, Logan, Northern Gold Coast
07 5655 0300
8 Cladiara Road, Mt Nathan
36 Laver Drive, Robina

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Silkwood Senior Campus
36 Laver Drive, Robina QLD
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 A learning journey relevant to the world they are growing into.

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As you explore The Silkwood Way, you will discover that Silkwood does things differently. This is because Silkwood education is responsive to a young person's needs and interests.
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Terry O-Hanlon-Rose
  • Early Learning
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  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
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ELC to Year 12
From: $6,500 - $8,700 pa
Gifted & Talented Program
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  • Additional Needs
  • Assisted Learning
  • Co-curricular Activities
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  • Culture / Tradition
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  • Robotics
  • Science/Technology
  • Social & Emotional Learning
  • Tertiary Pathways
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  • Italian
  • Other Languages
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Basketball
  • Oztag
  • Volleyball

Empowering young people to be inspired, get connected and make a difference!

Silkwood is a private, government accredited School located in a stunning bushland setting in the Gold Coast Hinterland. The School caters for children from Prep to Year 12. Silkwood also offers a Playgroup experience for parents and their 15-month to 4-year-old children. The School has a number of affiliations with Pre-Prep learning programs to support families with daycare prior to entry into Silkwood Prep.

Silkwood has developed The Silkwood Way, an educational approach that places individual student learning plans at the centre and uses student interest, innovative learning styles, flexible timetables and the Australian Curriculum to intentionally enhance every child’s learning adventure.

What drives us is getting to know the person your child wants to be and can be. Then, acting in the role of Advisor/Teachers and mentors, we help your child explore and participate in real-world learning to build life skills, discover things they are passionate about and achieve their own most meaningful version of success.

Choosing Silkwood means you are selecting a school with a difference. Here we follow a unique, transformative and proven educational model, The Silkwood Way, designed to enable our students to develop these 21st-century capabilities:

  • To use creative, innovative, and critical thinking to make a difference  
  • To discover and develop their passions, talents, and skills to create a future that excites them and contributes positively to our world 
  • To see the adventure, opportunity, connections, and possibilities in life
  • To act with respect towards themselves, others, and our world
  • To create their own financial independence in win/win ways
  • To accept life’s challenges with a resilient and flexible attitude
  • To communicate with maturity, openness, and integrity   
  • To create a happy and healthy life balance
  • To embrace fun and live with curiosity   
  • To turn dreams and ideas into reality.  

Instead of relying on standardised subjects and ‘one size fits all’ testing to drive academic outcomes,  The Silkwood Way creates personalised learning pathways for every child.

It’s a powerful difference – one that can make an equally powerful difference to your child’s future. 

Experience The Silkwood Way. Call to book a tour or visit our website today.


More than 20 years ago, we set out to create a more inspiring and engaging way of learning for children. As our learning design evolved, it became a better way for many students.

The Silkwood Way Learning Design is student-focussed, offering truly personalised learning for every student. This is made possible with smaller classes of 10 (learning support classes) or 18 (year level classes), with dedicated teachers helping students to see what’s possible for their future.

As an accredited Independent School, The Silkwood Way Learning Design is embedded with the Australian Curriculum Standards to ensure students achieve the required level of education, while developing a love of learning. At Silkwood, the difference is the way our students learn. The Silkwood Way draws upon the knowledge, experience and wisdom of real-world mentors and learning experiences while focussing on students' individual needs and interests.

It’s a proven way. Our Year 12 graduates who seek a university pathway receive their placement offers months in advance through a Graduate Portfolio assessment process. The Silkwood Way inspires us all, students, teachers and parents alike, from Prep to Year Twelve.

We invite you to come and experience The Silkwood Way first-hand.

Visit our website or call to book a school tour today. 

Silkwood has incorporated the Australian Curriculum general capabilities, subject areas and 21st-century educational goals in developing our own unique ‘Learning Continuums’ that reflect Silkwood’s Aims.

These have been deliberately designed to present learning as a continuous and seamless process, as opposed to subject year levels. Learning Continuums help Advisor/Teachers and Students plan the goals needed for a student’s progress.

They differ from traditional curriculums as they are not structured according to nominal year levels. Rather, they set out a continuous pathway of learning –_one a student can progress along at their own pace.

Our Learning Continuums are:

• 21st Century Communication – Core English through to Advanced Communication

• 21st Century Numeracy – Core Math Skills through to Business and Life finances

• Personal and Social Development

• Ethical and Intercultural Awareness

• Entrepreneurial and Creative Thinking

• Critical Thinking

• The Arts

Each student in the school has a personalised learning plan with goals that relate to their progress along the learning continuums. They work with their Advisor/Teacher and Parents to develop these goals every term. They are at the front and centre of both teacher planning and student learning cycles.
Primary School (Prep - Year 5)
Middle School (Year 6 - 9)
Senior School (Year 10 - 12)

The Silkwood Way is attuned with the innovative Big Picture Education Advisory Approach. This approach moves the traditional teacher–student relationship into one of partnership between the Advisor/Teacher, the learner and the family.

This approach provides more time for one-on-one learning conversations and self-discovery in order that personalised learning can flourish.

At Silkwood, our year levels are divided into small learning communities called Advisories. Each Advisory is led by an Advisor/Teacher and has 18 students in it. Students remain with the same Advisory for two to three years Thus, they get to understand and know each other and the Advisor very well.

Students work in their Advisory Group with their Advisor/Teacher as much as possible, thereby forming a strong learning community. Likewise, the Advisor/Teacher has the time to get to know each student well. During these times, the Advisor/Teacher deepens the understanding of each student and the group by:

• Facilitating team building

• Planning Advisory activities with input from the group

• Helping students work on the issues of respect and diversity through activities, discussions, speakers and trips

• Planning trust-building activities

• Helping the Advisory form an identity.

• Setting up rituals and structures to help students succeed

• Tracking student work and learning

• Enriching the Advisory with an array of discovery learning activities

• Giving students a voice and choice in planning and facilitating the Advisory

• Striving to build student leadership and self-management skills.

The Advisory then helps each student manage their time, plan work, find real-world mentors, build on their learning goals, and complete their projects. This way the Advisory becomes a great support system for each student. Indeed, it’s like a family group at school with its own culture and personality.

Students, as part of their commitment to being at Silkwood, are asked to actively participate in becoming respectful, caring and productive members of their Advisory group.

Empowering young people to be inspired, get connected and make a difference.
To help each student gain the skills, motivation and resilience to go on to lead a purposeful and personally fulfilling life.

We do this by creating innovative, small learning communities, led by Advisor/Teachers, who provide young people with personalised learning pathways focused on:

• Exploring and building upon students’ individual interests

• Presenting inspiring and stimulating content

• Developing essential and emerging 21st-century skills

• Using ‘the world as our campus’ by drawing upon the knowledge, practical experience and wisdom of real-world mentors and introducing students to real-world work and learning experiences.

Silkwood School operates four school bus runs servicing the following areas:

  • Northern Gold Coast
  • Southern Gold Coast
  • North-West Gold Coast
  • Central Gold Coast
Analysis of school data from Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 NAPLAN reports 2021
  Average Score (Silkwood) Average Score (State) Average Score (National) % above National Minimum Standard
Year 3 429 428 425 100% Band 2 or above
Year 5 527 507 511 96.1% Band 4 or above 3
Year 7 580 539 542 100% Band 5 or above 2
Year 9 634 571 577 100% Band 6 or above 1
Year 3 411 415 425 100% Band 2 or above
Year 5 462 468 480 96.1% Band 4 or above
Year 7 517 511 522 84.6% Band 5 or above
Year 9 560 539 550 93.3% Band 6 or above
Year 3 401 410 421 96.1% Band 2 or above
Year 5 493 497 504 100% Band 4 or above
Year 7 556 545 548 95.6% Band 5 or above
Year 9 608 577 580 100% Band 6 or above 1
Grammar and Punctuation
Year 3 436 424 432 96.1% Band 2 or above
Year 5 511 498 502 100% Band 4 or above
Year 7 562 532 533 100% Band 5 or above
Year 9 612 570 573 100% Band 6 or above
Year 3 398 393 402 96% Band 2 or above
Year 5 485 487 495 96.1% Band 4 or above
Year 7 552 545 550 100% Band 5 or above
Year 9 602 583 588 100% Band 6 or above

“We love our school and my children love learning. The Personalised Learning Plans and passion projects have had such a positive impact on my children and they come home wanting to learn more. ” 

- Mandy Coates, Parent


“Individualised learning, caring teachers and a beautiful environment. Our kids love going to school - what more could we want. ”

- Amanda Beattie, Parent


“In Year 10 I made a promise to myself, that by the time I graduated from Silkwood, I would have my own business. And I did.”



“Silkwood is helping me realise my dreams by allowing me to get out into the real world. With the help of my mentor, Cara, I know that I am gaining the skills I need to pursue my passions.”



“My schooling journey at Silkwood enabled me to see and understand my place in the world and how I could make a positive impact. It stretched my thinking, laid down life skills but most importantly helped me believe in myself. This has had a profound impact on my business and personal life, for which I am very grateful.”


If you are interested in employment opportunities at our school please visit the following page:


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