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St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace Brisbane QLD

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St. Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace
A Catholic Day School for young men from Years 5 - 12, founded by the Christian Brothers, in 1875. Terrace is one of the nine Great Public Schools (GPS) Colleges in Queensland and is among the oldest.
285 Gregory Terrace
Brisbane Central & Inner-West
07 3214 5200
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Dr Michael Carroll
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary through Secondary
  • Multiple School Locations
  • Outdoor Education Campus
  • Catholic
5 - 12
Gifted & Talented Program
  • Academic Achievement
  • Business & Legal Studies
  • Community
  • Economics
  • Gifted and Talented
  • Media & Film Studies
  • Personal Values
  • Science/Technology
  • French
  • Japanese
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Basketball
  • Chess
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country Running
  • Debating
  • Football (Soccer)
  • Gymnastics
  • Rowing
  • Rugby Union
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball

Educating “anyone who would come” was the humble vision of the Christian Brothers who founded St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace over 144 years ago. This vision remains equally significant in 2018, as Terrace commits to offering boys a holistic education steeped in the significance of our Catholic values, personal formation and the pursuit of academic excellence.

The Gregory Terrace motto, Servire Deo Sapere or ‘To Serve God is to be Wise’, is a visible reminder of our commitment to identify and develop every boys’ talents and gifts, forming gentlemen of faith and courage whose learning can be used to make a difference in the world.

Our Senior leaders have chosen the theme ‘All In’ for 2019. This theme calls every one of our young men to give his best in all that he undertakes. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive community in which every student is known, valued and supported as he strives to be the best young man he can be. The House system at Terrace leads the way as a means of providing pastoral care for our young men, while challenging them to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

'All In' recognises their commitment to honour the proud academic tradition of the College. With 37 students receiving an OP1 in 2018 and 28% of the cohort receiving an OP1 or OP2, the Class of 2019 are working together to uphold Terrace’s outstanding academic legacy.

Our faith is central to everything we do, from the classroom to the sporting field, we challenge our students to foster quality, compassionate relationships in the spirit of Blessed Edmund Rice. House Friendship Groups enable students to walk with several community support groups such as Youngcare, Brisbane Youth Service and Orange Sky Laundry, and in doing so extend their faith outside the school gates.

Each student at the College is supported to be the best that he can be through a House-based pastoral care system. Year 12 students assume the role of a ‘Big Buddy’ to new students in Years 5 and 7. The Terrace Family - staff, students, parents and guardians, Old Boys and friends of the College, all nurture each student on their journey to being gentlemen of knowledge, humility and wisdom.


The Celtic Cross represents our Irish Catholic heritage and our knowledge that God is a loving presence in our lives and in the lives of those we serve. 
Like Blessed Edmund Rice, we challenge ourselves and others to strive for personal excellence, using our knowledge and gifts in the service of others.

The Star symbolises the light of faith created by the knowledge of the Gospels, inspiring us to become people of humility. Embracing humility means we develop true self-awareness  
of our strengths, areas for growth and where we need the courage to change. 
Like Blessed Edmund Rice, we learn to respect ourselves and others, celebrate inclusion and diversity and become more compassionate as we live a life of integrity and purpose.

The Book of Learning symbolises wisdom and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ who is the beginning and end of all things. Wisdom may be drawn from Sacred Scripture and the Catholic tradition, from our knowledge and from the practice of humility, inspiring us to truly discern the best outcomes for ourselves, others and our communities. 
Like Blessed Edmund Rice, we pursue wisdom so we can advocate for the common good, liberating ourselves and others to be the best that we can be.

Download a copy of The Charter: A proclamation of an Authentic Expression of Edmund Rice Education as applied to Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition.

Gregory Terrace’s commitment to classroom learning and the significance placed on the College’s Academic program, continues to be rewarded with the achievements of its students across many areas of educational endeavour.

The dedication of our teachers across all faculties, the care and attention applied to the delivery of curriculum, the exams and assessment process and the continued support from our parent body, allow us to benchmark our goal of excellence in teaching and learning.

In 2018 37 students received an OP1 and 58% of the cohort graduated with an OP 1-6. The Class of 2019 are working together to uphold Terrace’s outstanding academic legacy.

Reporting to parents occurs four times during the year. Both Term 3 and Term 4 reports have data around students’ cumulative results. Electronic tracking of students’ results continues through our database.

Staff tutoring beyond school hours remains a hallmark of studies at Terrace, with a dedicated mentoring week focus each term.

Organisation, often a challenge for many students, is just one of the topics addressed at Terrace. The use of the School Diary, in which students are encouraged to document time spent on homework and study as well as the Term Planner, are very useful resources to enhance organisational skills.

Our curriculum continues to evolve and develop through the use of a higher order thinking framework. This pedagogical approach allows for consistency and fluency across year levels. Through all that we do and facilitate in the Studies Office, our driving goal is within our College Mission Statement - “We seek excellence in teaching and learning with a commitment to curriculum, renewal and academic challenge”.
There are four campuses – the main campus at Gregory Terrace, Waterford Place (Yr 10), Sporting facilities over 10ha at Tennyson and an Outdoor Education Centre at Lake Maroon. All facilities are state of the art, providing excellent learning and co-curricular opportunities for the students.

Co-curricular activities are a key aspect of the Terrace education. The college is consistently among Queensland’s leading schools in areas as diverse as debating, cross-country, volleyball and rowing. It has a proud sporting tradition and offers a wide range of sporting pursuits, including rugby, football, gymnastics and cricket.
Boys from Years 5 - 7 are provided with musical instruments and lessons, while older students are encouraged to learn a musical instrument or continue with tuition. There are a large number of bands, ensembles, orchestras and choirs, who also have the opportunity to perform both in Australia and internationally.

Pastoral Care & House System

St Joseph’s College has a very strong, active culture of Pastoral Care for its students, which is strongly tied to the sense of family that has become synonymous with Terrace. We pride ourselves on growing an atmosphere of care, in which every individual is valued and welcomed. Central to our work is the concept of 'The Terrace Gentleman'. Our goal is to form the young men in our care into the best that they can be.

Our College strives to put multiple significant adults around each Terracian – from their core teacher, to their Pastoral Care Mentor, their House Dean, their sporting and cultural coaches and mentors.

Our Pastoral Care system is enhanced by our Retreat Program, the Campus Ministry and service programs from our Peer Ministry, the House System and other College opportunities that are offered, especially via our Outdoor Education Program. These elements all work to foster student leadership and identity among Gentlemen of Terrace. Our Pastoral Care and Formation programs are monitored by the leaders and Deans of our College, in particular, the Dean of Students.

The Pastoral Care system at Terrace is unique and is consistently reviewed and developed to continue to enhance the educational experience of our students. As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, our Pastoral Care structures are consistent with the spirit and ethos of our faith. It is a strong incubator for the sense of belonging that endures among our Old Boys and gives students a sense of confidence to develop their individual personalities and gifts.

The House system is a fundamental structure in the personal formation of our students and a central component to life at Gregory Terrace. The nine Houses provide the framework for Pastoral Care Groups and the Buddy System, which are more condensed support, communication and social forums.

Our Houses advance their own sense of spirit, goal setting and striving within the broader Terrace Family and promote healthy competition and participation through inter-House events. They strongly support the College's goal of helping the development of the individual in the context of a close knit, sharing community.

Each House is named after a Christian Brother or someone who has had a significant impact on College life and the history of Terrace.

The Houses are:

  • Barrett
  • Buckley
  • Kearney
  • Magee
  • Mahoney
  • Reidy
  • Treacy
  • Windsor
  • Xavier
As a contemporary Catholic Faith community:
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition, we inspire young men in their lifelong pursuit of knowledge, humility and wisdom through a liberating Catholic education that is informed by the life of Blessed Edmund Rice.
As the Terrace Family, we commit to the formation and education of young men who will make a difference through service of God, the community and each other.


The Sporting program at Gregory Terrace has a long and rich tradition and continues to play a major role in our students’ individual and collective experience and in the College’s goal of providing our men with a well-rounded education. There are invaluable lessons taught through participating in sport that augment and complement our students’ classroom endeavour. Sport is a vital part of learning.

Competing under our famous colours of the Red and Black, Terrace is involved in the Great Public Schools' Association (GPS) competition from Years 5-12. Sport is not compulsory but every student is strongly encouraged to represent the College and the program provides a wide range of choices for participation. Sports offered at Terrace including: Basketball, Cross Country, Cricket, Football, Rugby, Swimming, Rowing, Tennis, Gymnastics, Track & Field and Volleyball.



In providing a holistic education, we believe that it is important to nurture the creative side of our students. The Terrace Culture program helps to foster the College Mission, with students nurtured and guided by staff with a genuine empathy and concern for the development of well-rounded students. Participating in the various cultural activities further enhances the development of self-confidence, emotional intelligence, communication, higher order and creative thinking skills, self-discipline and team work.

Pastoral Care

St Joseph's College has a very active culture of Pastoral Care for its students, which is strongly tied to the sense of family that has become synonymous with Terrace. We pride ourselves on growing an atmosphere of care, in which every individual is valued and welcomed. Central to our work is the concept of 'The Terrace Gentleman'. Our goal is to form the young men in our care in to be the best that they can be.

International Study Experience Program

The College enjoys several international study experience programs with overseas schools. We have long standing friendships with Konan Boys High School in Japan and several schools in France.

Terrace is a short walk to both the Central and Fortitude Valley train stations and many students travel to school by train. Being part of the central city area, Terrace is serviced by many Brisbane City Council buses. A number of students utilise private transport options. 

Terrace buses transport students to and from the Tennyson playing fields for sport training. Buses depart and arrive from the Gregory Terrace end of the College. Parents are also able to privately collect their sons from Tennyson.

Scholarships and Bursaries

St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace offers a merit entry program. This program is designed to provide enrolment to students who are at a level of excellence in their field and who may not otherwise have the opportunity to attend the College. The Academic Merit provides a 50% reduction of tuition fees subject to performance on the ACER testing program. The Sport/Cultural Merit Entry program may involve tuition fee relief, subject to financial need, or may provide accelerated enrolment entry only. Scholarships are not offered at the College.

All prospective merit entry students will need to demonstrate a commitment to learning, to the ideals of Catholic education and to demonstrate the traits of what it is to be a ‘Gentleman of Terrace’ – Knowledge, Humility and Wisdom.

Academic Merit Entry for Year 7

Level 1 | Designed for students in Year 6 for entry into Year 7 the following year.

Academic Merit Entry for Year 10

Level 2 | Designed for students in Year 9 for entry into Year 10 the following year.

For general information on ACER Testing and to register for the test, click here.

ACER Testing Information

Registration for the ACER Scholarship test for Academic Merit entry consideration for Year 7 2024 and Year 10 2024 will close at midnight AEDST on Monday 6 February 2023. To register for the test, click here.

Sport/Cultural Merit Entry Application Process

  • Request a Merit Entry Application from the College Enrolments Office -
  • Complete the Merit Entry Application (with additional required documentation). Sporting and Cultural Merit Entry Applications must be returned to the College by 30 June in the year preceding entry to the College.
  • Applicants are required to submit:
  1. A copy of the student’s most recent school report and NAPLAN results
  2. Evidence of performance, team selection, competition results, academic reports, rankings
  3. Other supporting evidence that may enhance the application

Edmund Rice Bursary Application Process

The Gregory Terrace Foundation is proudly committed to the Edmund Rice Bursary program, which financially supports students to access a Catholic education at St Joseph’s College. Entry into the Edmund Rice Bursary program is available to students from Years 7 to 12 and we particularly welcome students who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander or families who have joined our wider Australian community as refugees.

Applications for the Edmund Rice Bursary program will be welcomed up until 30 June of the year immediately preceding entry.

Further information on the Edmund Rice Bursary application process is available here.

Academic Excellence

Gregory Terrace has a tradition of striving for excellence in the classroom and for celebrating academic achievement. This spirit of striving and application has seen Gregory Terrace’s academic performance remain consistently high. The 2020 Senior cohort continued the College's legacy of outstanding results under the new Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) system. Just as strong results are recognised, so too is improvement and students being the ‘best that they can be’.

We have an innovative and progressive school structure and superb campus facilities that reflect both significant planning and research into the education of young men as well as our College Mission.

Student performance is tracked from entry to exit, through a detailed examination and assessment process, providing students, staff and parents with pertinent information on the effectiveness of study habits. Terrace offers a wide-ranging and relevant curriculum and by Years 11 and 12, our students have honed a course of subjects, designed and moderated by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, appropriate to them. This diversity of opportunity can be seen in our range of faculties.

Academic medals continue to be a prized accolade for our students. The highest achievers in each Senior cohort - those who attain an ATAR of 99 or above (equivalent to an OP1) - receive the Scholars' Medal, a replica of the historic Buchanan Medal awarded in the early years of the College. In 2020, the first year of the ATAR program, 15 students received a medal, with four of those among only 30 students in Queensland to achieve an ATAR of 99.95, the highest possible score. 

The Laurence Healy Memorial Prize, The Blessed Edmund Rice Award for the Dux of the College, our premier academic award, is presented each year at the Scholars' Assembly, where the College recognises its most academically successful students from the previous year. 

Gregory Terrace has also produced 18 Rhodes Scholars.

Our Academic Programs are overseen and administered by the Dean of Studies - Mr Mason Hellyer.


Queensland schools with highest OPs revealed

QUEENSLAND’S leading OP schools have been revealed and just four state schools made the top 30.

Brisbane Grammar School topped the list with 56 per cent of its 2015 Year 12s achieving an OP1-5.

But the top three schools were split across the three education sectors of private, Catholic and state, with more than 50 per cent of 2015 Year 12 students at both St Joseph’s College Gregory Terrace and Brisbane State High School achieving an OP1-5.

Note: Only including year 12 classes with 50 or more OP-eligible students.



Acting Principal's Message | Mr Damien Fall

Dear members of the Terrace Family,

Last Sunday, I was fortunate to attend the annual Norm Clarke concert. Whilst I mentioned the upcoming concert in last week’s edition, I do want to briefly make comment on what a brilliant event this was. The talent on display is outstanding, as is the commitment shown by staff and students that allows them to perform to such a high standard. I enjoyed Captain of Music Tom Druve’s reflections on his journey, from trying different instruments as a beginning Year 5 student, to the experiences that have led him to his outstanding current musical standard. It was quite a sight to see more than one hundred Year 5 students on stage in their first-ever semester of playing an instrument, actually producing some quality music! For many, this is the beginning of a lifelong love of music, and we have Norm Clarke to thank for much of what these young men are able to experience and achieve. I am sure Norm was smiling down upon us on Sunday.

The celebration of musical excellence we saw on Sunday is a reminder of the many opportunities available at Terrace and very importantly, that our young men respect and support excellence in music, drama, dance, debating, chess and many other activities that so many of our students enjoy. I love that it is seen as normal and to be celebrated when boys are passionate about doing their best in these pursuits. It then comes as no surprise that the College has been awarded Australian Performing Arts School of the Year. This is an outstanding achievement that reflects many years of hard work from our passionate students, staff and volunteers. It is thoroughly deserved and fitting recognition of all those who have made Terrace’s Performing Arts the shining light that it is.

This week is Queensland Philanthropy Week, and the College is using the time as an opportunity to say thank you to the many generous members of the Terrace Family. We have numerous donors who give generously in order to enhance the educational opportunities for our students, and this week we would like to focus on acknowledging and thanking these wonderful people. Our school, and many like it, was founded through the work of Edmund Rice, a man who gave away most of what he had earned to establish places of learning for the disadvantaged children of Waterford in Ireland. His legacy now reaches around the world.

One of the activities taking place this week has been the College’s Thank-a-Thon, with members of the Foundation and a number of senior students making phone calls to our donors with the sole purpose of saying thank you. All donors will receive a grateful phone call at some stage, but I would also like to add my thanks. Terrace is absolutely a better place, with greater opportunity, because of the actions of our many donors. Thank you from me, and from all of the Foundation team and its Directors.

This week, we also release our 2022 Impact Report. This report tells the story of how donors’ gifts have made a difference throughout 2023. The report can be found hereand I invite you to read over it to gain an understanding of the positive impact of these gifts.

Most year levels have now commenced the exams that come with the end of Semester 1, and our Year 12 students move into their exam block next week. I would hope that this important assessment period becomes the priority over the final days of the semester, and we see our young men sacrificing less important pursuits in favour of their academic priorities before they enter the holiday period. As always, our staff are here to help get the best out of students in the spirit of collaboration and support.

My best wishes to all,


Mr Damien Fall
Acting College Principal

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St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace Brisbane QLD


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