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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School - East Gosford NSW

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School - East Gosford NSW
St Patrick’s East Gosford provides a close knit, supportive and nurturing school community, where the wellbeing of our students is pivotal to everything that we do.
Cnr York & Melbourne Streets
East Gosford
NSW Central Coast
(02) 7256 2113
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Cheryl Walsh
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In September 1959 Cardinal Gilroy set and blessed the foundation stone of the new school in East Gosford. At the ceremony, he announced he was pleased that work had started on the major building project on the Central Coast at the time.

Just before the school was opened, Fr McManus, against the wishes of the Sisters of St Joseph, decided that the new school, like the future church, would be named in honour of the patron saint of Ireland, St Patrick.

The Sisters of St Joseph, however, wanted the new school to be named after the patron saint of their order, St Joseph, and for a number of years parishioners usually referred to the school as St Joseph's Convent School. The confusion over the actual name of the school continued until 1967 when the high school was separated from the primary school.

By 1961 numbers had risen to 470, with 330 children in the primary school and 140 girls in the high school. The following year the Catholic Education Office decided that Catholic secondary education should be centralised into regional schools.

The secondary school was nominated as the regional girls high school for the Central Coast. It was to teach secondary school girls from between the Hawkesbury River and Morriset, and from Mangrove Mountain to The Entrance. To help the Sisters cope with the expected increase in students, the CEO appointed two lay teachers.

The first principal of the primary school was Sr. Joseph, who taught at the school with just two other Sisters. The other teachers were lay teachers trained at the Catholic Teachers College in North Sydney. The number of lay teachers at the school grew to three in 1964 when State aid to Catholic Schools was renewed.

After 1964, outside funding meant that the number of lay teachers in the school could be increased as space permitted. When the primary and high schools separated, the extra space in the primary school was used to reduce class sizes to 30 to 40 children.

St Patrick's School currently has an enrolment of around 360 students.

Information sourced from 'From the Mountains to the Sea – A history of the Catholic Church on the Central Coast'.


Parents/caregivers who are willing to support the religious principles, faith and practice of the Catholic school are eligible to enrol their children in the systemic schools of the Diocese of Broken Bay.

Priority in enrolment will be given to children whose:

  1. Catholic families are known and involved members of the parish;
  2. Catholic families express through the enrolment process an intention to commit to Catholic discipleship and the worshipping community of the parish;
  3. Catholic families express an understanding of and commitment to the educational and religious life of the school;
  4. Families of other Christian traditions are known and involved members of their worshipping community and express an understanding of an commitment to the educational and religious life of the school; and
  5. Families express an understanding of and commitment to the educational and religious life of the school.

We recognise that some families may feel that the financial costs may be too great and wish to emphasise that we will work with families to make Catholic schooling available to those who desire it.

Enrolment application packages for Kindergarten are available from the school office from March through to April of the year prior to starting school, or from this website. Forms in this package need to be completed and returned by the end of April. The enrolment application package for other years may be obtained any time.

An important part of the enrolment process is an interview with the Principal and the Parish Priest (or a Parish Priest reference if from another parish) and the child attending a Kindergarten screening, which takes place on nominated days prior to enrolment. The screening process is in accordance with Diocesan policy and assists in assessing the readiness of the child to begin school. Parents/caregivers need to contact the school office during May to make suitable appointment times.

There is one general admission of children to Kindergarten each year. Students may be enrolled for the following school year if they turn five no later than 31st July of that year. In the case of excessive applications, enrolment offers will be based on the Diocesan Enrolment Policy. The age of the child may also be taken into account.

Preparing for School

It is very helpful if your Kinder child can:

  • Ask permission to go to the toilet;
  • Wash their hands at appropriate times;
  • Call the teacher by name;
  • Write their own name;
  • Tie their own shoelaces;
  • Recognise and respond to their surname;
  • Open and close their school bag;
  • Unwrap their lunch and open their drink bottle.


Please follow the link to our website to download the enrolment package and supporting documentation:

Providing quality education steeped in Catholic values and traditions is the basis of teaching and learning at St Patrick’s.

St Patrick’s is a Catholic Parish school that recognises each child as being unique and formed in the image of God. We are a school community where a friendly, trusting collaboration between principal, parish priest, teachers and parents is fostered for the ongoing development of each individual.

Diverse curricula activities initiated by a caring and dedicated team of professionals, well-maintained grounds and facilities and parental involvement combine to offer excellent learning opportunities.

St Patrick’s is blessed with a dedicated and caring staff who have created a loving Christian environment that is the essence of all we do. St Patrick’s School is a place where disciples of Jesus are formed and nurtured to achieve excellence in order to make a difference in the world.

Enquiries are always welcome. Simply e-mail the office, call or come and visit us.

Mrs Cheryl Walsh, Principal

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School - East Gosford NSW

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