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Wollemi College - Werrington NSW

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Wollemi College
4 Gipps Street
Sydney West, Penrith
(02) 9651 0369

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James Ramos
  • Primary - Year 12 School
  • Single School Location
  • Primary Campus
  • Secondary Campus
  • Independent
  • Catholic
Year 2 - 12
  • Academic Achievement
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Community
  • Digital Technologies
  • Discipline
  • Faith / Religion
  • Languages
  • Numeracy / Literacy
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Personal Values
  • Science/Technology
  • Sport
  • Spanish
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Basketball
  • Cross Country Running
  • Debating
  • Rugby Union
  • Swimming

Wollemi College grew out of Orchard Hills Preparatory School, an infants school founded in 1999 by a group of parents and teachers who make up The PARED Foundation (Parents for Education). Orchard Hills Preparatory School has developed into Montgrove College, our sister school, a school for girls, with co-education offered in the infant years.

By 2004, Wollemi College began operating as an independent school for boys from Year 2-12, located on 10 hectares in Werrington, in Sydney's west, and receiving boys from Montgrove Infants who start at the College in Year 2. Their transition into Year 2 at the Wollemi campus is made smooth thanks to the ongoing close relationship with our sister school.

Wollemi College is the newest of the four schools of The PARED Foundation in Sydney, all of which offer personalised education, working in partnership with parents to raise children in good virtues and academic excellence.

Our schools value a single-sex education and draw on this to provide for the pastoral and academic needs that are unique to young men and women.

One of the unique benefits offered to families whose children attend both Wollemi and Montgrove is that the sibling concessions, including the building levy and fees (based on concurrent enrolments), apply across Wollemi and Montgrove. For example, a family pays the Family Building Levy once even though they have children at both schools.


Learning reflects the diverse nature of the teachers and students and complements the values that we share with parents. Our aim is to challenge each student to reach his full academic potential by effective classroom teaching and the development of internalised motivation, as well as sound habits of responsibility, scholarship, and respect for truth.

In addition to satisfying the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) curriculum requirements for all the Key Learning Areas, distinctive features of the Wollemi Curriculum include:

• The structured and systematic Spalding approach to teaching language and literacy, emphasising the phonetic components of language
• Study of a modern language and a general emphasis on history studies throughout the College to foster a universal outlook and cultural depth in students
• Honours programs for students in Years 7-10 in English, Mathematics, Science, History, Art, and Music, allowing the ablest students to discover new challenges
• An integrated approach to the personal development curriculum, delivering selected PDHPE syllabus content through PDHPE and religion classes, mentor sessions, and at home from parents
• IT facilities and curriculum integrated into studies
• Ongoing studies in Catholic teaching, open to all students
• Specific qualities of character are highlighted each week in all areas of the College. Over time in each class, the class teacher reviews in a practical manner the full range of qualities that make up a well-rounded personality. The emphasis in this program is to equip the students with a multiplicity of practical approaches and to see personal development in these terms
• The opportunity to benefit from an ongoing and wide-ranging program of guest expert speakers.

The spiritual development of students forms an integral part of their education at Wollemi College. Our Religious Education program is guided by the teachings of the Catholic Church and the spirituality of Opus Dei - a personal prelature of the Catholic Church. Our school community is immersed in a life of Christian virtue, guiding and helping each individual to discover the joy of having a close and personal relationship with God.

Wollemi College works with parents in their role as primary educators to develop men of character. We challenge our students to make a difference in society through their pursuit of personal and academic excellence and a life of faith

Wollemi ranks in 2022 NAPLAN results

With students, parents, mentors, and teachers consistently working together, our combined efforts ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.? Wollemi College was featured in The Daily Telegraph for our NAPLAN results.

(As seen in The Daily Telegraph, February 2023 'Revealed: Penrith’s NAPLAN high achievers')

Secondary school ranked 26th amongst schools in Western Sydney

Above or well above the national average across all learning areas in Years 3, 5, 7, & 9

Headmaster's Welcome

Wollemi College is an extraordinary place. Do not measure our College by its expansive grounds, the commitment of parents and staff, our NAPLAN record or even by the impressive HSC results of its first graduates in 2011. All these things are true but our College has far more to offer than all this.

The education we offer is based on expertise in the classroom, unity between parents and teachers, idealism and generosity in families, the best of support for parents, understanding of character education, and most of all, on the inestimable advantage of having Our Lord with us in the Blessed Sacrament in the College Chapel.

Wollemi is also the newest school of the PARED (Parents for Education) Foundation. Tangara School for Girls and Redfield College, the first PARED schools, are well known as centres of high academic achievement, of expertise in character education, and of vibrant Catholicism. We draw a substantial intake from the other PARED school in Sydney's west, Montgrove College in Orchard Hills.

We have sought to provide a most comprehensive view of the College through this website, but a walk around in person is always better. Please come along for one of our Open Days. They are scheduled each term.

What a terrific school you will find.

James Ramos
Wollemi College Headmaster

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Wollemi College - Werrington NSW

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