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Schools Guide Help Desk and Forum
  1. Cassy
  2. Schooling Information for International Students
  3. Thursday, 16 November 2023
  4.  Subscribe via email
Our family will be moving to Sydney end of the year.

And I am looking to enroll my children in a School.
I have some queries that I would like to send the schools, rather than send individual e-mail, I would prefer to send a common mail to all the schools in Sydney. Is there any way to do that? Alternatively can you provide the contact e-mail addresses of all the Sydney Cathoic Schools.

Thank you
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Schools Guide Admin Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Schools Guide Admin
Hi Cassie,

Thanks for your question.

The answer is yes, if your questions are enrolment-related there is a very simple way to send a common message to a large number of schools. Our School Enquiry Tool lets you easily send a message to multiple schools at once. Simply visit the link below and complete the simple form. Our staff will then choose a list of matching schools and your email will be forwarded to all of them at once. Those schools will then contact you directly if they can assist. It's free and easy and there is no catch.

Unfortunately, due to our privacy policy we cannot forward you the email addresses of any school listed on this site. But you may find that some schools have chosen to display their email address on their profile page. Alternatively you could try their website.
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