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Schools Guide Help Desk and Forum
  1. Claire Brickett
  2. General Schooling Information
  3. Monday, 04 June 2018
  4.  Subscribe via email
Good day,

We will be moving to Sydney next year. My husband has secured employment and we will be moving across from Johannesburg, South Africa to Sydney on a TSS Visa. We hope to get permanent residency next year via a 186 visa. We have two small daughters, who will be ages 6 and 4.

We believe that our eldest daughter will need to re-do a year (she is currently in Grade R (Kindergarden)) due to children starting school a year ahead of our children in SA. With this in mind, we believe our eldest daughter would need to start Kindy in January 2019 I think? She was born on 13 July 2012.

Currently she is at a private, all-girls, catholic school in Johannesburg. Where possible, I would like her to attend (in order of importance): a) an all-girls school environment and b) attend a catholic school.

Is this possible or will it be too difficult to get into a school like this due to waitlists? We realise these schools would come with private school fees. We plan on living in the Wahroonga/Turramurra/Pymble areas but it will depend on where the children go to school. My other daughter was born on 11 August 2014.

Appreciate your steer,
Kind regards,
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Danielle Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Claire
Thank you for your enquiry. We can definitely assist you with finding a great school for your daughters. I will send you an email shortly with more information.
Warm Regards
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. General Schooling Information
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