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The Schools Guide helpdesk is a free service designed to offer general assistance in selecting a school. 

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Schools Guide Help Desk and Forum
  1. Jennifer Shaw
  2. General Schooling Information
  3. Monday, 15 February 2021
  4.  Subscribe via email
Does a private School have the right to refuse to let a student leave to continue there education elsewhere if the student so wishes
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Schools Guide Admin Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Schools Guide Admin
Hi, thanks for your question.

Our team cannot provide legal advice but our general consensus is that it would be extremely unlikely that a school would have a right to enforce enrolment at that School if the parent wished to have the child enrolled elsewhere. However, enrolling at a Private School involves a contract between two parties. As with any contract there are terms and conditions that both parties must abide by in order to fulfill the contract. Parents should read the terms of the contract or seek legal advice if there are any concerns in that regard.
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