Applications for 2017 scholarships are now open. Central Coast Rudolf Steiner School offers a limited number of scholarships for Years 7 and 8. Year 8 scholarships are for external candidates only. Current students at Central Coast Rudolf Steiner School may apply for scholarships for Year 7. The scholarships take the form of remission of a percentage of tuition fees and are only available to Australian citizens and permanent residents of Australia. Applications for scholarships for 2017 opened in July 2016.
Interviews for 2017 entry will be held in August/September 2016
Applications close on Friday, 26th August 2016
Applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria:
Academic Criteria:
The applicant will need to demonstrate strong academic performance. In addition to excellent school reports, applicants will be assessed on references, other documentation provided and their interview discussion.
Musical Criteria:
As a guide, students should be able to demonstrate their AMEB standard, or equivalent, on their chosen instrument. They must be currently engaging in and committed to ongoing musical tuition. Applicants will also take part in an interview.
Artistic Criteria:
As a guide, students should be able to demonstrate their ability either in performing or visual arts. Visual arts applicants must submit a portfolio of work. Artistic performers must be currently engaging in and committed to ongoing tuition. Applicants will also take part in an interview.
Support Material:
The application may make reference to demonstrated outstanding involvement and continuous, positive participation in a range of co-curricular activities. Written reports may be provided attesting to the applicant’s level of participation and contribution as well as the applicant’s character and leadership qualities. Evidence of participation in Gifted and Talented Programs, school vacation programs run by universities and any other outstanding individual accomplishments, including social service will be taken into account when deciding on the applicant’s suitability.
Value of Scholarships:
Scholarships come in the form of remission of tuition fees. The value of each Scholarship may vary. The School reserves the right to withhold a Scholarship if there are no candidates of sufficient merit. There are limited scholarship placements available.
Length and Tenure of Scholarships
Scholarships are subject to an annual formal review by the School in the light of progress, performance and attitude of the holder. It should be noted, however, that holders of Scholarships can normally expect the Scholarship to continue until the end of Class 10 (or whatever other period for which the Scholarships have initially been offered).
Notification of Offer of Scholarships
Successful applicants will be notified by 14th September 2016. Unsuccessful candidates will also be notified as soon as possible after all offers have been made.
Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of Central Coast Steiner School. The School’s decision is final.
Prospective applicants should contact the school on (02) 43623400 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and request an application form.
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: (02) 43623400