Montessori is a century-old, neuroscience-endorsed education method which inspires children to learn through self-discovery.
Ignite your child’s sense of independence and love of learning through activities tailored for their stage of physical, emotional, and psychological development.
As parents/carers, you will learn ways to guide and promote your child’s discovery of language, movement, order and perception.
To learn more, join us for our Under 3s Open Day at Mosman Baptist Church (Melrose St, Mosman):
§Infants (0-24 months) - Thu 1st Feb, 10-12pm
Or enroll at:
Term 1 runs from Mon 5th February to Thu 12th April.
Class times are:
§Parent + Infant Class - Mon to Thu 12:45 -2:00pm
All classes are held at Mosman Baptist Church (Melrose St)