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STCC Dance 2


Congratulations to the St Teresa's Catholic College Dance students on their recent eisteddfod success.
On Saturday 27th July, Dance Troupes competed in the Australian Pinnacle Dance Challenge. The results were:
1st Place: Year 7-12 Lyrical (Body Love)
1st Place: Year 10-12 Lyrical (Mad at You, choreographed by students Amber Faleono, Ivy Simons, Jemima Fitzpatrick &Tianah Gesell).
1st Place: Year 7-9 Lyrical (All I Want)
3rd Place: Year 7-12 Lyrical (I Won’t Complain)
Honourable Mention: Year 7-12 Contemporary (Bad Guy)
Honourable Mention: Year 7-9 Jazz (End of Time)

On Monday 5th August, Dance Troupe and Year 9 Dance competed in the Quota International Beenleigh Eisteddfod. This was a big day, with the students leaving school before 6am, and returning at 7pm. They had great success at this event with the following results:
1st Place: Multimedia Dance (I Won’t Complain)
1st Place: Year 7-12 Lyrical (Amen)
1st Place : Year 7-9 Lyrical (All I Want)
1st Place: Year 7-9 Jazz (End of Time)
1st Place: Year 9 Self-Choreography (Olivia Hunt, Violette Simons, Ashley Lammens, Aly Kocks Duarte).
2nd Place: Year 9 Self-Choreography (Kiara Zerafa, Sienna Adams, Chloe Pitts, Tayte Ellis).
3rd Place: Year 9 Dance (Hairsprayclass dance).
3rd Place: Year 9 Self-Choreography (Anna Tully, Hannah Jackson, Emele Hunting, Ally Mjaskalo).
3rd Place: Year 7-12 Jazz (SOS).
Highly Commended: Year 9 Self-Choreography (Mia Urquhart, Charlee Cave, Kasey Millar, Bec Prendergast).
Highly Commended: Year 7-12 Jazz (Cell Block Tango).
Congratulations to all of the dancers on their performances. The results were very close, with some items only having half a point difference in places.
A special mention to Olivia Hunt (Year 9), who choreographed the group contemporary piece, Bad Guy. This was Olivia’s first time choreographing for a large group and she created a visually effective and technically strong piece. Also to Dance Captains, Ava Foreman and Elise Sawatzki, for their co-choreographing of the Multimedia piece. This was a powerful piece on the concept of homelessness. The multimedia component for this was filmed and edited by FTNM teacher Karli Lancaster, and Dance Co-ordinator Sarah McNamara.

These results are an outstanding success for the College and show the strength of our dance program and the talent of our students on the dance floor and in their willingness to choreograph dance pieces through to show level. 


STCC Dance 1 STCC Dance 3

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