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Northside Christian College has been named one of Australia’s forty most innovative schools by The Educator.

The award recognises outstanding educators who are improving teaching and learning outcomes through technology and innovative practices.

The College has strategically prioritised innovation and creativity to ensure its graduates are equipped for the job market of the future.

Middle School students at Northside undertake the Design Thinking program, which encourages higher-order, cross-curricular thinking. Building on the Middle School curriculum, the College also emphasises STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths), the arts and entrepreneurship, all of which are given ample time and state-of-the-art physical space.

Northside Christian College is inaugurating its flagship building, the Centre for Innovation and Creativity, which houses its Entrepreneurial Hub, a space to facilitate collaboration and encourage innovation. Modelled on the London Business School’s Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, the facility encourages the exchange of ideas and the honing of problem solving skills.

The Principal, Mr Leighton Kuss, said: “The vision is to create a laboratory for inspiration and encouragement, where students can identify passions, access mentoring with businesspeople, and begin to unlock their ultimate impact in life.”

Northside envisions pioneering entrepreneurial, interdisciplinary educational programs that will prepare young people with skills and confidence in an increasingly interconnected and borderless world, where creativity and innovation are prized.

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